Re: LAN Gaming (Counterstrike) Session Thurs 9th February
some BF2 guides for those who havent played bf.
basically the game is a FPS. the controls are similar to counterstrike. when you start, yo uhave to chose one of several classes -
commando - has a scoped M4 , C4 to blow stuff up.
assaul t- M16 (or equivalent) with grenade launcher
medic - M16, can heal other players
support - Light machine gun & supplies ammo to other players
sniper - claymoremines and rifle
engineer - can repair tanks & vehicles, lay mines. armed with shotgun.
antitank - armed with MP5 and anti tank rockets.
the maps are quite big. the basic aim of the game is to take and control key areas on the map. these are indicated. once u control that point, your countries flag is placed at that point. when you die, you can then choose to spawn at that locaiton. if you have all the control points,then the other side is limited to spawning only at their base.
in addition to foot combat - u can drive buggies, tanks, APCs and anti air platforms. also pilot jets. attack choppers, blackhawks etc (but piloting this a bit tricky).
helicopters can take on passengers and you can then parachute down into enemy areas.
unlike counterstrike - not really a solo type game. 1 squad is best to have a mix of classes. especially a medic to heal people. killing people is also a bit harder than CS. they take a few more bullets to go down. can still headshot. sniper rifles are not 1 shot kills.