Lousy car groomer


Disclaimer: This is to share my personal experience with my fellow car club members.

I am from SLC and VOCSG.

Lousy car groomer. FYI pls and stay the hell far far away. Please let your friends and families know.

Those interested to know what happen can pm me to know more.

KND Groomerz
Re: Lousy car groomer

Thanks for info...........

C3PO please take note
Re: Lousy car groomer

Noted. Thanks. Muacks.
Re: Lousy car groomer

eh....posting to kaopei lousy is one thing.....no head no tail we also catch no ball....haha
Re: Lousy car groomer

Ok here's the head and tail which I reply a bro pm:

"Hi bro, I bought their groupon promo. Bad mistake. Interior - not clean properly 4/10. Dash to center console can see dust everywhere. Door frame wasn't cleaned at all.

External polish caused swirl marks to appear all over. When I shine my torch onto it next day, omg fine scratches everywhere 0/10.

I was busy working and my office outside was a bit dark. So I did a quick check and then said ok, they left. Evening I drove out, got a shock.

Email them, sms them, ignore. Email again, ask them come see, they claimed I accepted the job ok. Ask me go complain to groupon customer service.

Money I paid to them for convenience sake end up as nightmare. Now I gotto find 1 good wan to remove all e scratches.

I have emails to back my story.

Glad you asked."
Re: Lousy car groomer

On the same topic, why are people buying packages when the company is a private limited? Can the company do a TWM, take your $$$, close down and start another one?
Re: Lousy car groomer

Mockngbrd;763796 said:
gropeon wat u expect.... heard so many bad stories about gropeon deals


good one not cheap, cheap one not good......tis is an age old saying with truth to a large extend

More recently, theres alot of complaint on Groupon Travel deal ...... I mean, wat the hell r these ppl tinking of ??? :screwedu::screwedu::screwedu:
Re: Lousy car groomer

Mobile polishing so I don't think it's ft.
Anyway, it doesn't matter ft or local, either one can screw up if they are overworked, have lousy standards or work sops
Re: Lousy car groomer

hitmee is a fan of tampons.................... :dramamam:
Re: Lousy car groomer

Signed up for groupon because my friend wanted to earn some vouchers.

Since then, i get their spam emails daily. Want to unsubscribe also sibei difficult.
Must click here click there till I xian.

Not a fan at all.

Cheap=low or no profit=cut cost/lousy quality.
Re: Lousy car groomer

I always believe 一分钱一分货

Re: Lousy car groomer

het;763806 said:

good one not cheap, cheap one not good......tis is an age old saying with truth to a large extend

More recently, theres alot of complaint on Groupon Travel deal ...... I mean, wat the hell r these ppl tinking of ??? :screwedu::screwedu::screwedu:

detach8;764106 said:
I always believe 一分钱一分货


Towards grooming it depends.

Went to one which have good reviews etc etc (price not cheap) ending up not towards my liking / standard. (they r one man show kinda groomer)

Currently with another groomer & so far so good :eek:

**Both company, I didnt take up package as I hate package :eek: Price one haven one earth.

Cheers ~~ :) *my nee jiam
Re: Lousy car groomer

Lancerzo;763732 said:
Ok here's the head and tail which I reply a bro pm:

"Hi bro, I bought their groupon promo. Bad mistake. Interior - not clean properly 4/10. Dash to center console can see dust everywhere. Door frame wasn't cleaned at all.

External polish caused swirl marks to appear all over. When I shine my torch onto it next day, omg fine scratches everywhere 0/10.

I was busy working and my office outside was a bit dark. So I did a quick check and then said ok, they left. Evening I drove out, got a shock.

Email them, sms them, ignore. Email again, ask them come see, they claimed I accepted the job ok. Ask me go complain to groupon customer service.

Money I paid to them for convenience sake end up as nightmare. Now I gotto find 1 good wan to remove all e scratches.

I have emails to back my story.

Glad you asked."
Good ones

Imperial 1
21 Toh Guan Road East
#03-01 Toh Guan Centre S(608609)

Blk 42 Toh Guan Road East #01-75
Re: Lousy car groomer

As consumers sometimes we have to really remind ourselves that we do get what we pay, at least most of the time

From time to time, u see groomers advertising their services on forums
But it makes me wonder
For 68 or 88 thereabouts, 90-120mins session
They can wash, polish, clay, wax your paintwork and proceed to clean up your interior and vaccum it?

It takes me abt 60mins just to wash and dry

Nonetheless, I tried a outfit once. Was done under 2 hours
To keep it short, I wasn't impressed but not overly upset because my expectations werent high to start with

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