Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’


Well-Known Member
Saio one :wtf:

Despite two major screw-ups which caused inconvenience to thousands of affected commuters during the two major SMRT disruptions last year, Singaporeans were asked to ‘thank’ the Committee of Inquiry (COI) convened to ‘investigate’ the fiasco instead.

The COI has completed its ‘study’ over a six-week period and has submitted its report to the Transport Minister yesterday which includes ”recommendations to improve the reliability of MRT services, as well as incident management processes.”

Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew will respond to the Committee of Inquiry’s (COI) report on last December’s MRT train disruptions, in Parliament next week.

They added that the recommendations, when carried out, will greatly reduce the likelihood of similar disruptions should they recur, and improve the management of future incidents.

Speaking to queries from the media, Transport Minister implored Singaporeans to ‘thank’ the COI members for their ‘hard work’:

“…the inquiry process was demanding and the issues challenging given their technical nature…Singaporeans should thank the COI members for their work in the past few months.”

It is not known how much taxpayers’ monies have been spent to conduct the COI.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

So, problems solved? Wouldn't happen again, right?
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

kenntona;845156 said:
So, problems solved? Wouldn't happen again, right?

Once again, the IMMORTAL words from the CLUELESS one comes to mind:

What do YOU think?
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Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

So what happened to the ext perfume sales lady CEO that sworn that the train/infrastructure is properly maintained? Now the tax payers are forced to pick up the tab to fund the major maintenance/correction works.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

zorro;845168 said:
So what happened to the ext perfume sales lady CEO that sworn that the train/infrastructure is properly maintained? Now the tax payers are forced to pick up the tab to fund the major maintenance/correction works.

When they raise fares, they mentioned increasing running costs was she smoking us?
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

I am thinking whether to thank anyone before I have assurance that all problems are solved.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

Tuck You All!!! Just say Tuck You! I mean Thank Yew...
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

Thank you is free these days?

Solve the MRT problems first, improve the frequencies of train rides and claw back those f***ing bonus and renumeration paid to that fellali she-man ex-CEO first.... then I thank you.

If MIW's job is to ask citizens to think for them and rally citizens to say meaningless thank you, then I can only say THANK YOU to the 60.1% of you out there. THANK YOU for giving us layers and layers of white cow dung.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

She never smoked you.....Indeed it is the high cost to pay her running away....

sszone;845174 said:
When they raise fares, they mentioned increasing running costs was she smoking us?
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

These are only recommendations produced by COI, nothing has been solved yet.

Have to see how LTA implements these recommendations. If anyhow implement, still back to square one.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

marklee;845191 said:
These are only recommendations produced by COI, nothing has been solved yet.

Have to see how LTA implements these recommendations. If anyhow implement, still back to square one.

First thing before anything else is budget.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

cwoon;845153 said:
Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew will respond to the Committee of Inquiry’s (COI) report on last December’s MRT train disruptions, in Parliament next week.


I am wondering aloud if there will be further updates on the City Harvest case or will the third batch of names of people for the underaged prostitute case be released next week too?

"What do you think?" :lol:
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

As Singaporeans let's be tolerant towards each other so that collectively we can become a gracious society.

Dunno who say de :oooops:

I so man :wavey:
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

Lui and the others should just be ignored, they are politicians after all... no need to get upset at barking dogs.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

why waste the money to conduct the COI. Seriously dont know whats the objective of this COI.

at the end of the day, no one is at fault? u rub my back and i rub yours.... the biggest winners of these breakdowns are the 2 service providers... $1.1b in the bag
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

I will tell my son to either:

(a) study theology so I can run lion with $50M and still have sappork-ters saying they should pay me more
(b) train hard at the gym to have strong shoulder muscles - very useful when it comes to tripoding the balls of the correct political party, so he'll be seen as a talent & be absorbed into their fold - this way, open mouth, spew rubbish, still smelly smelly take home millions in bonuses every year.

Better than what lawya, lok-ter, engineer or accountant $hit OK.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’


so gahmen builds MRT, breaks down, gahmen convenes COI to confirm its gahmen's fault and then we must say Thank you. this is how it works!
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew , i recommend that you stay in your office and try your best not to come out and not to talk too.keep a extreme low profile and you can keep your job longer and prosper.
Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

Darth Vader;845285 said:
Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew , i recommend that you stay in your office and try your best not to come out and not to talk too.keep a extreme low profile and you can keep your job longer and prosper.

Bro, he has been stomped taking MRT leh... but, neh'mind, even if he passes gas from his mouth, he'll still keep his job long-long... AND prosper.

Re: Lui Tuck Yew asks Singaporeans to ‘thank’ COI members for their ‘hard work’

wobbles;845276 said:
I will tell my son to either:

(a) study theology so I can run lion with $50M and still have sappork-ters saying they should pay me more
(b) train hard at the gym to have strong shoulder muscles - very useful when it comes to tripoding the balls of the correct political party, so he'll be seen as a talent & be absorbed into their fold - this way, open mouth, spew rubbish, still smelly smelly take home millions in bonuses every year.

Better than what lawya, lok-ter, engineer or accountant $hit OK.

Awesome, I will tell my son the same ...

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