Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "


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National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan was in the hot seat in Parliament Monday as he faced a barrage of questions over the effectiveness of a scheme to provide affordable housing to higher-income Singaporean households.

At least four Members of Parliament called for the Executive Condominium (EC) scheme to be reviewed following reports that property developers are selling oversized and overpriced units, and that owners are making a killing renting out their units.

MPs also questioned why some developers’ plans to build huge units going for $1.2 million apiece had been approved in the first place as that led to buyers with limited finances being priced-out of the scheme.

Comparable in design and facilities to private condominiums, EC units are meant for Singaporeans who can afford more than an HDB flat but find private property out of their reach.

In response to why the oversized units were approved by planning authorities, Khaw said that “those were the planning rules of that time, but they have been fixed”.

He went on to defend the EC scheme, saying that four new measures announced two days ago would stop abuse and curb the problem.

‘Wonderful’ scheme

Likening EC units to cars, Khaw said that the scheme has given Singaporeans a chance to buy a luxury “Lexus” at (Toyota) “Corolla” prices.

“The rules have been fixed. We will be vigilant and if the abuse continues, we will think of other ways,” he said. “The selling price of the EC is linked to the size of the EC. If you cap the size of the EC, the prices will be more sober.”

News of the EC scheme being abused by developers came to light with the sale of larger-than-usual, million-dollar EC units in Yishun. It was then discovered that private developers were taking advantage of land cost savings and loopholes in housing planning rules to build super-sized and super-priced ECs.

In addition, dual-key units, first introduced to encourage multi-generation families to live together, were being immediately rented out by unscrupulous owners instead.

‘Four-pronged solution’

With the new measures, EC units will now be capped at a size of 160 sq m. Private enclosed spaces and roof terraces will also be included in the gross floor area and subject to development charges.

The new rules also seek to put a stop to rogue developers by only sales launches 15 months from the date the land sites are awarded, or after physical completion of foundation works. This aims to stop developers from passing on market risks to buyers after securing land at highly subsidised prices of up to 40 per cent less.

Finally, dual-key EC units will only be sold to buyers with multi-generational families.

Who benefits?

However, Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC MP Hri Kumar pointed out there was still an inherent problem with the scheme since buyers were still snapping up the Yishun EC units despite their million-dollar price tags.

“Those (buyers) purchasing the EC units can afford private property at those prices,” said Kumar, questioning if the eligibility criteria has been stringent enough in making sure that it is truly the “sandwiched” class which are benefitting from the EC scheme.

MP for Nee Soon GRC Dr Lee Bee Wah also suggested that the dual-key unit concept be introduced under Build-To-Order (BTO) schemes as well.

“I think there is demand for multi-generational BTO flats – many of my residents have appealed to me about it,” said Dr Lee, who said that her residents could not afford EC units but hoped to stay with their elders.
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

did anybody tell him Corolla now very overpriced?
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

Lexus is an overpriced corolla? Haha
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

Likening EC units to cars, Khaw said that the scheme has given Singaporeans a chance to buy a luxury “Lexus” at (Toyota) “Corolla” prices. - I was thinking, buy a QQ at Lexus price instead.
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

problem is richie family can buy 7-series but got a govt supersized lexus with full options including massage seat and 32" lcd in car entertainment ... forgot to mentioned ... not corrola but camry price
Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

So the BMW, Merc and other conti are private condo? Ha ha.

They forgot to add... Buy at Toyota price and after five years can sell at Lexus price somemore.
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

Toyota is forever a Toyota. Even u cheat yrself and change the badge to Lexus, it it still a Toyota. More lau kui is other ppl will laugh at u coz they know u hit yr own face just to pretend to be fat!
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

louislain said:
toyota is forever a toyota. Even u cheat yrself and change the badge to lexus, it it still a toyota. More lau kui is other ppl will laugh at u coz they know u hit yr own face just to pretend to be fat!

Yeah BMW FTW !!! I think I should pick a 316 instead of a BRZ.

Following your logic, EC owners are cheating themselves....... and pretending to be fat !!!

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Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

Dang I missed the telecast... is Parliament under Disney channel?
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

LEXUS = LUXURY EXPORTS TO US (Its A Toyota Rebadged to LEXUS in the Toyota Factory)
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

This is a case of an exotic car owner who has no clue how much is a Lexus or a Corolla.

ECs are not priced like Corollas. They are priced like BMWs.
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

No its under Japanese Hentai cartoon channel.

Oilman;944473 said:
Dang I missed the telecast... is Parliament under Disney channel?
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

Lexus also produces exotic LFA supercars. So is the super-ECs of $2m justifiable?
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

“The selling price of the EC is linked to the size of the EC. If you cap the size of the EC, the prices will be more sober.”

- Delusional, stupidity? Size capped, developer just need to up the psf pricing and prices still go up. If the govt dun cap the selling price or psf pricing, then this size ruling is not going to help.

"In addition, dual-key units, first introduced to encourage multi-generation families to live together, were being immediately rented out by unscrupulous owners instead. "

- Since they know about these, what are they going to do about this? Continue to let those unscrupulous owners rent out the other unit?

"With the new measures, EC units will now be capped at a size of 160 sq m. Private enclosed spaces and roof terraces will also be included in the gross floor area and subject to development charges."

- woohoo, more revenue for the govt!!!

"Finally, dual-key EC units will only be sold to buyers with multi-generational families."

- So, they meant the rules were not in place when they sold these units? not thinking through the consequences when they approved the offering of such units?
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

Yearly average 30,000 yearly newborn babies.... at least half or 15,000 would want to get married in their lifetime whether to citizens or foreigners that will require a new home to start a family so demand is constant. That excludes PRs and new citizens.

Unless 20,000+ homes are completed every single year, there will be a shortfall creating demand. So like previous six measures, it reduces the supply of resale properties. No wonder BTO sales to first timer shot up to 92% and ECs sell like hot cakes.

By making it harder for applying new loans and paying stamp duties, current property owners have little reason to sell unless really necessary or compelled by generous high offers.

Hard to bet on lower prices when demand is high and supply is low....

That's just my opinion so
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

actually I always though dual-key units in any development are targeted solely at investors (rental)

couple years back during the launch, my wife and I decide to check on prices... when the agent found out we are looking for 2nd unit straight away she said" "dual-keys are the one for you then... one unit 2 entrance, 2 sets of everything buy one unit and rent out to 2 families damn value for money!"
zero mention of best for multi-gen families staying together leh
Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

Scrap EC. Why need to let some privileged group kanna lottery. People not qualified to take part of this lottery not citizen?
Re: Minister Khaw Boon Wan likens ECs to buying " Lexus cars at Corolla prices "

imho, dual key units are designed for live in and let out
if you bought a dual key units with your parent ... you locked the inner doors when you reached home? that is not privacy, that is you don't want to see your parents face

the designed is great with 1-studio attached with the main unit creating 2 living space that normally enjoyed by landed home

dual keys with two inner doors definitely is for sublet lor ... what else. imagine dual key units without two inner doors ... how many multi-gen live together?
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