Mr Aril AKA SurReal - READ!

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I hate e-fights, watever happened to the good old days of honking and flashing your headlights when someone cuts you off. These days people are more bothered to go back home, switch on the computer, get access to the forum, wait for approval and post defamatory messages to get back at someone.

This is my defense for Aril’s accusation:

Traffic light at boon lay way, myself on the left lane and Aril on the 2nd lane of a 3 lane carriageway. Light turns green so I accelerate fast since I have no wife and no baby, I cut to the 2nd lane and then the 3rd all within a distance of 100m and in my opinion checking that there was distance enough between Aril and I.

Now Aril claims that I cut him off ‘recklessly’ and as such caused him to slam his brakes. Don’t give me any credit but the car I was driving is known to have more than 300 horses and I did slam on the accelerator which should have given me quite the kick. And Aril was in a nice classic blue Rex that is no inferior. But for him to claim that I cut him off in such a way that he had to slam his brakes shows that he must have also accelerated pretty fast comparable to myself, now would this be the way to drive with your wife and new born in the car? Also I most definitely did not see you pressing your brakes when u were trying to catch up.

I don’t believe that I single handed endangered the life of your family but rather both of us did and only one of us did it knowingly!

This is just your word against mine but if you truly feel unhappy and raged that I endangered the life of your family (although I think you should buy a BMW coz if you are truly concerned about your family, a Rex would not be the safest car) then I sincerely apologize and let me know if this is not enuf and we can meet up in person and skip this e-WAR!

And the racial slur in your topic isn’t so cool either, I detest this!
Re: Mr Aril AKA SurReal - READ!

are you guys serious?? this forum is turning into a complain website,,,,,
Re: Mr Aril AKA SurReal - READ!

Moderators = Mediators?
Re: Mr Aril AKA SurReal - READ!

Coincidences of another party coming to light in this forum is exhilirating. Dayme. TP ougtta sponsor this fourm.
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