New BMW 6-cyl engines

Yes,...some quarters have been fighting a long "battle" with the authorities to allow diesel passenger cars to be imported.
The diesel battle will not be won over anytime soon. The authorities are still in the stone-age (??or maybe not) as far as knowledge of diesel technology is concerned; they still think that it spews black evil soot... which is quite true for the old engines and some engines from Jap that do not yet meet the Euro4 (something like that I think) standards.
The diesels approved under the latest EU specs actually burn very clean.
Was in my boss' A6 2.5Turbo diesel recently.. we travelled from Stuggart to Czech republic... mostly around "wrong" side the 200km/h mark on the highways... sweet!!
In traffic... so much torque... picking up speed was almost effortless.
BUT to set the record straight; you CAN register a private plate diesel engined car in Singapore... only that you'd have to pay 6times the road tax of a equivalent cc petrol engine; in lieu of the soot you're gonna be spewing out (!!! New diesel engines are actually cleaner burning than some petrol brethrens).... so...??
Actually, what is it about a diesel engine that gives it so much torque???
yeah I've been wondering too. Is it coz they have turbos in them? What's common rail diesel?
JT said:
The diesel battle will not be won over anytime soon. The authorities are still in the stone-age (??or maybe not) as far as knowledge of diesel technology is concerned; they still think that it spews black evil soot... which is quite true for the old engines and some engines from Jap that do not yet meet the Euro4 (something like that I think) standards.

the real reason is $$. there is petrol tax/excise duties but diesel is tax free in order not to burden the commercial operators. Imagine if motorist start changing to diesel cars and pump from those industrial diesel at construction site. Gahmen sure loogi big time man... :shoot: :shoot: :shoot:
SMYUEN said:
Actually, what is it about a diesel engine that gives it so much torque???

Extremely high compression. 200-400% that of typical gasoline engines.
eggz said:
Is it coz they have turbos in them? What's common rail diesel?

yes also due to turbocharging. Common rail diesels are just real high pressure reservoir rail, precisely controlled injection, diesels. Standard diesels don't pressurize at the reservoir, but at the injectors.

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