No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui


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The recent increase in Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rates along the Central Expressway and East Coast Parkway is a result of a "routine adjustment" in response to traffic conditions.

Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew told Parliament on Thursday this would not lead to a reduction in road tax.

He explained ERP rates are adjusted generally by a dollar when traffic speeds fall outside the optimal range of 45 to 65 kilometres per hour.

ERP was raised on the soundbound CTE after Braddell Road (from 7.30am to 8am) and the westbound ECP (from 8.30am to 9am) as traffic speeds were below optimal.

MP for Nee Soon GRC Lee Bee Wah asked if the increase in ERP would mean a reduction in road tax, as the ministry has maintained that ERP is meant to manage congestion, not raise revenue.

Mr Lui pointed out that there has been more ERP decreases over the past two years than increases, and the ERP rate along CTE between 7.30am to 9.30am has actually gone down, overall.

Ms Lee asked if there were any plans to scrap the evening ERP along CTE.

Mr Lui said: "I hear your call to scrap the evening ERP altogether but we want to also make sure that we provide options to people who would like to have a smoother travelling experience in the evening. And if you look at what has happened over the past year since the changes to the ERP, during the period before 8pm, you actually had an increase in traffic speed, northbound along the CTE and after 8pm particularly from 9pm onwards, you actually had the speeds coming down. And so I think shortening the hours preserves the option that for those who want to have a smoother ride home, they can pay the dollar, use it before 8pm. For others who choose not to do so, they can ride after 8pm."
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

"Mr Lui pointed out that there has been more ERP decreases over the past two years than increases..."
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

Add FCUK = kay kan
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

pay a dollar to have a "smooth" traffic home before 8pm ... u nia boh???
pay $1 and yet still caught in the jam = slapped twice?

Mr Lui said: "I hear your call to scrap the evening ERP altogether but we want to also make sure that we provide options to people who would like to have a smoother travelling experience in the evening. And if you look at what has happened over the past year since the changes to the ERP, during the period before 8pm, you actually had an increase in traffic speed, northbound along the CTE and after 8pm particularly from 9pm onwards, you actually had the speeds coming down. And so I think shortening the hours preserves the option that for those who want to have a smoother ride home, they can pay the dollar, use it before 8pm. For others who choose not to do so, they can ride after 8pm."
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

All these years our PAP government only sulotion to any problem is increase and increase!! But did they solve the problem!!! NO!! Who suffer and who gain!!! We all know very well!! The citizen suffers and the goverment gained more income!!!
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

wt_know;922509 said:
pay a dollar to have a "smooth" traffic home before 8pm ... u nia boh???
pay $1 and yet still caught in the jam = slapped twice?

i am reminded of Money No Enough 2, the one that Mark Lee says "ERP Put" if one continues to be caught in jam after paying for the north bound CTE. mayb Lui can implement?
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Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

Shhhh...pls dun complain, the more we do, the more we pay.
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

Now I have to pay ERP on the ECP just to get home. And if I want to go home at 6pm to see my kids earlier and spend more time with them, I pay more. Only after 8pm, then no need to pay. But by that time, no time to spend with anybody!

So much for the government encouraging birth rate and family life???! Some day we will pay the government 70% of our salaries and left only 10% for our family. All will start taking SBS and MRT and the fare hike will be 1000% of current price... Because JAM on public transport!

Thanks PAP!
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

pay 1 more dollar, have to use road to go work. pay 10 more dollars, still have to use road to go to work what. I see they are taking advantage of the very inelastic curve of the demand supply to make more $$
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

that why before 8pm , we go zoo happy hour run lion. thanks to govt. sometimes can get Australia kangaroo...
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

Shev;922645 said:
Now I have to pay ERP on the ECP just to get home. And if I want to go home at 6pm to see my kids earlier and spend more time with them, I pay more. Only after 8pm, then no need to pay. But by that time, no time to spend with anybody!

ah Lui says you are given an option....
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

did u all see Ah Lui's reaction when he was asked by an MP " so are we encouraging people to go home later" ? All MR Mushroom Top said was "we are giving drivers an option.

Tolong lah, if I want to go home. I will just drive thru the gantry. See mee control traffic?

I wonder why we are paying people like him millions for such kuku ideas.
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

To be fair, there are options.

You can choose to pay.

Or choose an alternate route. Or alternate timing.

Or choose NOT to drive.

But, of course, come GE 2016, we are given options too !!!
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

I suspect after Lui said all these things, he went to apply for Nobel Peace Prize
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

Actually, come to think of it, LUI is such an appropriate surname for the role.
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

kenntona;922726 said:
To be fair, there are options.

You can choose to pay.

Or choose an alternate route. Or alternate timing.

Or choose NOT to drive.

But, of course, come GE 2016, we are given options too !!!

Or we have a choice not to have kids.

Or the choice to have kids and all squeeze inside a sardine packed MRT during peak hours and then suddenly, the once reliable MRT breaks down again.

Life is tough without a bimmer! Or should I say a choice between tough or tougher?!
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

He explained ERP rates are adjusted generally by a dollar when traffic speeds fall outside the optimal range of 45 to 65 kilometres per hour.

So that means drive faster less ERP??
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

ongkjin said:
So that means drive faster less ERP??

If average speed is up, LUI will drop the ERP rates.

But I see no action taken against road hoggers.
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

ongkjin;922744 said:
He explained ERP rates are adjusted generally by a dollar when traffic speeds fall outside the optimal range of 45 to 65 kilometres per hour.

So that means drive faster less ERP??

But but optimal speed for bimmer is 100kph leh...

At even 60kph, bimmer FC drops so pay more erp and more petrol.

The way government is bending every expressway with so much construction works and making it look like snake, I say in future we cannot even reach 40kph even at non peak hours. Maybe erp will turn on for the entire day!
Re: No road tax reduction for recent ERP hikes, says Transport Minister Lui

kenntona;922728 said:
Actually, come to think of it, LUI is such an appropriate surname for the role.

Not only surname, name also, this move is effectively saying....tuck you!

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