Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Came across a chio rim earlier today when I went down to a well-known local tyre shop near my office...Its Rays Forged G12. Refer pic attached. Semes like a relatively new product since i've not seen it around till recently. (pardon me if its already been around for a while)

I've always been a fan of BBS (CH-R to be exact)..

Just seeking opinions from bros..which one will you choose for E92 & why? The Rays one should be lighter than BBS CH-R i reckon.

In terms of $$$, which I believe plays a significant deciding factor for most of us, the Rays Forged is slightly cheaper, unless i was quoted wrongly by the sales guy.
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Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Go for the G12, forged, light and good looking.

BBS CH is not forged, but flow-forming cast. Dated look.
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Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Yeah I'm about to jump the gun on new rims. But really at a dilemma which to buy although G12 looks pretty good.
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

If its cheaper of cse G12 la. No brainer.
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Both hands up for G12s chio chio & light, will get myself a set if pocket deep enough.

There's a white F10 running around in it.. :drool:

But then again, BBS more european luxury look..
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

GET BBS! Confirm no horse run.. wun regret later.. dun get ch-r la.. get RE-V! also forged! haha! black diamond colour... very unique!

Spend a bit more and get something u wun regret later..

Imagine spending $x for rays, then later regret wanna change to bbs... then sell your rays for $(2/3)x you spend $y + $(1/3)x instead for your BBS! hahaha!

just my $0.0000002... haha
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

mohankls;944668 said:
Hi guys,

Came across a chio rim earlier today when I went down to a well-known local tyre shop near my office...Its Rays Forged G12. Refer pic attached. Semes like a relatively new product since i've not seen it around till recently. (pardon me if its already been around for a while)

I've always been a fan of BBS (CH-R to be exact)..

Just seeking opinions from bros..which one will you choose for E92 & why? The Rays one should be lighter than BBS CH-R i reckon.

In terms of $$$, which I believe plays a significant deciding factor for most of us, the Rays Forged is slightly cheaper, unless i was quoted wrongly by the sales guy.
View attachment 46338

G 12 ... i will go for it

but there is xiaopang selling his bbs ...
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Deathchant;944893 said:
GET BBS! Confirm no horse run.. wun regret later.. dun get ch-r la.. get RE-V! also forged! haha! black diamond colour... very unique!

Spend a bit more and get something u wun regret later..

Imagine spending $x for rays, then later regret wanna change to bbs... then sell your rays for $(2/3)x you spend $y + $(1/3)x instead for your BBS! hahaha!

just my $0.0000002... haha

I'm waiting behind to 'hop' when he's selling the G12s at $2/3, haa..!!!
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Choose the one that can put a smile on your face every time u see it
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

go for the rays. lighter and cheaper
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Deathchant;944893 said:
GET BBS! Confirm no horse run.. wun regret later.. dun get ch-r la.. get RE-V! also forged! haha! black diamond colour... very unique!

Spend a bit more and get something u wun regret later..

Imagine spending $x for rays, then later regret wanna change to bbs... then sell your rays for $(2/3)x you spend $y + $(1/3)x instead for your BBS! hahaha!

just my $0.0000002... haha

Agree wirh you bro..

If i have the budget for RE-V, i will not be 'confused' at all..hahaaa. But unfortunately, my pockets are not that deep enough "((

Anyway, appreciate your comments, good to know there are still many people out there willing to spend big $$$ on quality rims.
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Strange, why would someone assumed that Rays wheels owners will regret?
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

kenntona;945123 said:
Strange, why would someone assumed that Rays wheels owners will regret?

Ya, I also cannot understand. I never regret le.....
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Ray forged very good choice for its price. Bbs chr quite heavy
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

More expensive doesn't mean better. Rays is a very good brand too.

The pros stack heavily in favor for the RAYS rim...imho looks better as well.
Re: Opinion Needed: Rays Forged vs BBS for E92

Where is Rays manufactured?
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