Singapore Police chase - Accident

Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

serious man.......................
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

eh...too fast....dunno what bang what leh
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

Saw this tube before, but wonder it occured in SG?
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

looks like union gas cab, then the hdb multi-storey carpark on the left corner...and ya, the yellow box and traffic lights looks very singaporean to me....hehe
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

Wow... damn. I think the biker has gone to meet his maker already. Doing at least 80kph?
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

Looks like it! Gone-with-the wind.

Who knows, maybe, just maybe his motor bike has Euro ncap 5 stars? that may just saved him?

Just a few days ago, saw another motor bike pinned under a car and there is another merc taxi nearby.... good luck to all of them!

axl;437495 said:
Wow... damn. I think the biker has gone to meet his maker already. Doing at least 80kph?
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

wow lan ! someone going to complain PIZZA hut for never delivery !

my biker friends always say if got chance they will run away if WRX chase.. if TP bike chase bike then maybe bo pian..
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

imagine you are crossing the junction and this bike beat the TL and bang!

this video makes me so much worried when crossing junction next time...should i stop and LOOK RIGHT & LOOK LEFT first...??
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

tom_ting;437510 said:
imagine you are crossing the junction and this bike beat the TL and bang!

this video makes me so much worried when crossing junction next time...should i stop and LOOK RIGHT & LOOK LEFT first...??

Look up and pray hard...
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

if i'm not wrong, this is ard east side area. The rider doesnt have license so when th TP try to stop him ard his crpk, he decided to run away. Do correct me if i'm wrong
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

collin;437577 said:
Moral of the story, kenna chase by singapore police must stop.

red light all stop. wait for police to get down from car, then zoom off. :chinese:
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

tom_ting;437510 said:
imagine you are crossing the junction and this bike beat the TL and bang!

this video makes me so much worried when crossing junction next time...should i stop and LOOK RIGHT & LOOK LEFT first...??
wrong... u shld LOOK RIGHT one more time, school teach one....

think just look for TP siren & loud exos...:laughlik:
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

hitmee;437584 said:
red light all stop. wait for police to get down from car, then zoom off. :chinese:
u do it , i chop KKJ* !

*chop MW one
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

iScoupe;437595 said:
wrong... u shld LOOK RIGHT one more time, school teach one....

think just look for TP siren & loud exos...:laughlik: sure or not, last time you said look at chio bu one woh.... :silenced: :silenced:
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

iScoupe;437595 said:
wrong... u shld LOOK RIGHT one more time, school teach one....

think just look for TP siren & loud exos...:laughlik:

li dat must wind down the windows every time reaching the junctions and pay attentiom to the TP siren & exos la...:woottt:
Re: Singapore Police chase - Accident

hitmee;437584 said:
red light all stop. wait for police to get down from car, then zoom off. :chinese:
You are damn right, If for me. I stop at nearby coffeeshop, look for yellow box, Sit down smoke and order coffee. Bo pian already mah.
If you really want to go all out, swim to Johore lor. ( Last Resort Hor. )

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