
Re: Sjv1185j

davidtch;1015840 said:
In the case of car being blocked, what can 1 do?

He should come out of his car, whip out his smart phone, video the driver of the car blocking the way and upload youtube.

I still think he talks too much.
Re: Sjv1185j

davidtch;1015840 said:
In the case of car being blocked, what can 1 do?

Maybe....... start horning till some1 help to drive the car out. Hopefully is a chiobu
Re: Sjv1185j

Take bus........maybe taxi.

But my neighbors like to play with tow truck and wheel clamps ....

The tow truck game quite interesting ..... like playing hide and seek. Towed it to police post.

davidtch;1015840 said:
In the case of car being blocked, what can 1 do?
Re: Sjv1185j

Idiot vs moron. Who wins?
Re: Sjv1185j

Red_Bean_Bun;1015846 said:
Take bus........maybe taxi.

But my neighbors like to play with tow truck and wheel clamps ....

The tow truck game quite interesting ..... like playing hide and seek. Towed it to police post.

Win liow...
Re: Sjv1185j

Red_Bean_Bun;1015846 said:
Take bus........maybe taxi.

But my neighbors like to play with tow truck and wheel clamps ....

The tow truck game quite interesting ..... like playing hide and seek. Towed it to police post.

Do you know that when your car breaks down, which I learnt from my ECP breakdown case, there are tow truck aplenty. They will ask you if you need towing, blah, blah, blah. Sibeh organised one.
Re: Sjv1185j

the voice is irritating. just offer to help the old guy lah. the problem nowadays, such people think that uploading stuff online is vigilante justice. sigh....... issit worth the risk of bursting an artery.
Re: Sjv1185j

If one is an AA member towing is free ........ And they will tow it wherever you want.

pengful;1015849 said:
Do you know that when your car breaks down, which I learnt from my ECP breakdown case, there are tow truck aplenty. They will ask you if you need towing, blah, blah, blah. Sibeh organised one.
Re: Sjv1185j

Red_Bean_Bun;1015846 said:
Take bus........maybe taxi.

But my neighbors like to play with tow truck and wheel clamps ....

The tow truck game quite interesting ..... like playing hide and seek. Towed it to police post.
U mean your neighbour will call tow truck & pay $$ to tow to police station.

S A R T.

By the way, where u do stay? I will stay far far away from your neighbourhood.
Re: Sjv1185j

davidtch;1015840 said:
In the case of car being blocked, what can 1 do?

Ideally, we should move the car away so that it would not cause obstruction, wheel cramp it then call mata. But of course easier said then done. If the guy doing the recording is a vigilante, he should do the above or at least take video of the car that caused the obstruction instead of simply targeting the old man even though what the old man did is wrong. Three wrongs do not add up to a right. To be fair, we can offer cool-headed advice because we are not the victim. Caught in an actual situation, not many of us will stay calm and act rationally. But with the benefit of this thread, many of us will hopefully know better when the same thing happens to us. Stay cool everyone! And do remind each other on the road.
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Re: Sjv1185j

I think the video taker quite emo and probably quite ghay and hence never took up Toto's suggestion to kick any part of the car.

Uncle looks like just finished qi gong and hence full of zest. Poor uncle may have cataract and no confidence even if the clearance enough for 3 tonner. If video taker wanna stop uncle so much just puncture his tires and let uncle stay put lah.
Re: Sjv1185j

Sorry OT. EMAS need to pay?
Re: Sjv1185j

AA member is free.......

davidtch;1015852 said:
U mean your neighbour will call tow truck & pay $$ to tow to police station.

S A R T.

By the way, where u do stay? I will stay far far away from your neighbourhood.
Re: Sjv1185j

2 morons.. 1 juz kept honking to get the wrong attention, 1 juz kept talking and talking and almost crying(?) instead of helping to guide that car out..
Re: Sjv1185j

T6;1015862 said:
I think the video taker quite emo and probably quite ghay and hence never took up Toto's suggestion to kick any part of the car.

Uncle looks like just finished qi gong and hence full of zest. Poor uncle may have cataract and no confidence even if the clearance enough for 3 tonner. If video taker wanna stop uncle so much just puncture his tires and let uncle stay put lah.

Two wrongs don't make a right and the biggest idiot is actually the video-taker. First, he kept provoking and provoking the poor old man to no end. Then, his shouting and guniang screams are actually worse than the honking. I hope he gets his just desserts when he is old and young kids scream at him like that. Really "bo lang kar see" no respect for the elderly!

If it were me I would kick the video taker in the solar plexus for adding to the noise pollution (and acting like a freaking idiot), give uncle the LTA's 1900- number to call so that they send a tow truck to tow the inconsiderate car away, and go to the nearest H81 to sleep and wait out the saga.

Then again, maybe H81 is noisier than this... :lol:
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Re: Sjv1185j

Sean u wrote so long story just so that you can go H81 right. I know one, but I bro i won't tell ur wife.
Re: Sjv1185j

Anyway boring video. No XMM, Pengful and horfun say one.
Re: Sjv1185j

Cock lah, kua lang one.

I guarantee you this incident would not have happened if the driver is not a lao unker.
Re: Sjv1185j

It is very frustrating when someone blocks your car in though.

I have been stuck waiting for 30mins in car park before when someone parked directly in front of me. When the lady returned, she just said "Oh", when I told her I have been waiting so long.

Looks like both old man and video taker frustrated but the real culprit, the illegal parker gets away scott free.
Re: Sjv1185j

question....if people start playing 'tow truck'.... and say tow truck comes and tows an irresponsibly parked SUV with 4wd transmission... while towing it onto flatbed... gearbox is wrecked / damaged.... who is liable?

the caller of the tow truck? the tow truck driver?

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