Steering tugs


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Currently with my ride, whenever I step on brakes, especially when coming to a halt, I can feel my steering tugging towards either left or right.
If coming to a halt from normal speed cruising, the tug can be, at times, pretty strong n obvious especially when I totally let go of the steering wheel and watch it turn to either side.
When I'm going at a pretty fast mode, I naturally become very conscious of this and will grip tight but there is this feel that the steering handling, just before the car comes to a complete halt, ain't as tight as I would desire.
Just went for a service at workshop, recommended ala tis forum, and they did notice that steering rack need some adjustment or replacement ( very expensive). Had it adjusted, to test it further before making further decision. Currently, I'm still experiencing these pulls.
Could it be these pulls are due the the road surfaces ( because they don't tug on a regular basis) or are they tires' problems (225/17) or steering rack have to change ?
Anyone out there who had such experiences and care to share ? Fellow drivers' opinions welcome. :confused:
Thanks in advance.
( Tried driving the other day with DSC activated, either it was physiocal or not, the handling felt better . Could someone help enighten what DSC ? Know it's something to do with traction...but could do with a brief lesson here. )
Re: Steering tugs

bro im currently driving the e46 320i and i have the exact same problem as u.
always thought it was the road surface...

does anyone know the cause of this problem?
Re: Steering tugs

i get that problem sometimes too. i think it must be the road's problem. think the road is somehow not even or something. it's time to lodge a complain to LTA. hahahaha
Re: Steering tugs

I experience tramlining some of the time. Assuming there's nothing mechanically wrong with your car: Tramlining takes place when the car wants to follow the camber/ruts of the road and is usually more pronounce during braking. The wider and lower profile the tires, the more tramlining in general. Hardcore performance tires with ultra stiff sidewalls are also susceptible causes.

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