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stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200


Well-Known Member
full set of brakes from 2009 E92 M3 for sale.

front pads PAGID RS19, rear pads are stock

plenty of meat

$1,200 only

Re: stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200

Sorry no. All wrapped up nicely and packed away liao
Re: stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200

Getting new brakes bro?

Bumps for handsome neighbour...
Re: stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200

Pls check ur workshop which cars this can fit because I also have no idea.

Kevin: actually been on brembo quite sometime. Just deciding to clear store room hopefully before new year
Re: stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200

Oic... Looking to upgrade, especially rear...
Re: stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200

Oh yea, now you mentioned..i rem seeing it. nice copper color right?
A pity I just got the performance brakes...my back is still stock though..haha.. :p

Let me help you ask around...calling soifon....MTLLLLLL..........
Re: stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200

i have seen my friends in the UK doing this conversion before. Front is possible with the a customised bracket. rear is one hell of a job; different system from what i see.
i do rmb hearing that they sell conversions for that over therethough.
Re: stock e92 M3 brakes for sale $1,200

up for TS' brakes. Always sells parts at reasonable prices (from subaru wrx seats, to BBS rims....lol)