stub out cigarette on soft top


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i went to Plaza Singapura to catch a show with my fren on a weekend nite, so i parked my car on the 3rd story.

When i came back, i saw a cigarette butt on top of my soft top. Some spastic person actually stubbed out the cigarette on top of it as there are ashes n a burnt mark.

walau.. my car looks like an ashtray meh?
wah.. super angry :furious:

luckily the top is fire-resistant so not much damage. jus a small dent that can still be felt.

bro n sis.. pls becareful where u guys park ur cars cuz there r these kinda pple ard :evil:
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

why never activate me immediately? i bring my sniffer dog down, sure can flush out culprit
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

so sad that some singaporean still have this attitude...
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

when i was in vancouver driving a 325i convertible. it is pretty normal to leave ur top open when u park ur car.

but some ass hole threw a burning cigeratte into the back seat. end up got burnt mark on white leather seat. what to do. a lot of green eyes monster around.
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

what a sicko... fellow driver some more...
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

did u park near the entrance in the carpark? the only pple who smoke works there, like those sale promoters, hanging ard the entrance...
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

I have had :

* a small patch of (almost drying) spittle
* a crump of moist tissue paper ("what's within that paper wanton?")
* a freaking cotton bud yellowish on both tips

All these are "gathered" on my soft top in different locations, and they were all shopping centres. Sicko.
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

that sort of behaviour is just disgusting... wat's wrong wif drivin a cabrio...
shud stuff that cigg up the fella's peehole
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

ok I'll hold him down you stuff it up ok? Can act as tampon when he pees.
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

Saddening. Considering the cost of repairs to a soft top...hope urs is insured xinni.
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

perhaps u can check with the management of PS, the carpk might be installed with CCTV .
Hope it does & arresting the culprit wld be a deterrent to such mischief act.
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

xinni;149155 said:
hey guys, i went to Plaza Singapura to catch a show with my fren on a weekend nite, so i parked my car on the 3rd story.

When i came back, i saw a cigarette butt on top of my soft top. Some spastic person actually stubbed out the cigarette on top of it as there are ashes n a burnt mark.

walau.. my car looks like an ashtray meh?
wah.. super angry :furious:

luckily the top is fire-resistant so not much damage. jus a small dent that can still be felt.

bro n sis.. pls becareful where u guys park ur cars cuz there r these kinda pple ard :evil:

its like that bro , i dun even bother to close my top now adays when i park ... lots of green eye monster around ..
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

kenntona;149189 said:
I have had :

* a small patch of (almost drying) spittle
* a crump of moist tissue paper ("what's within that paper wanton?")
* a freaking cotton bud yellowish on both tips

All these are "gathered" on my soft top in different locations, and they were all shopping centres. Sicko.

eww..urs sounds so disgusting..:whythis:
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

nivlek88;149254 said:
its like that bro , i dun even bother to close my top now adays when i park ... lots of green eye monster around ..

wohahahohoho.. it's a girl dude.. a chick rolling in a Z4...
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

lol..i wanted to say that too shaaz..but i decided not to say it out..see if anyone notice it
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

Luckily nowadays buses are air-conditioned. When driving top down, no risk of that spit, paper, what have you, being tossed out and into your car / head.

I always try to avoid stopping next to a wind down window.
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

xkrim3;149158 said:
why never activate me immediately? i bring my sniffer dog down, sure can flush out culprit

haha~ if it happens again will let ya know. hope that fellow driver gets his karma..

hetraa;149186 said:
did u park near the entrance in the carpark? the only pple who smoke works there, like those sale promoters, hanging ard the entrance...

actualli i park at the lower deck. away from the crowd. which i thought would have been safer.. haha

kenntona;149189 said:
I have had :

* a small patch of (almost drying) spittle
* a crump of moist tissue paper ("what's within that paper wanton?")
* a freaking cotton bud yellowish on both tips

All these are "gathered" on my soft top in different locations, and they were all shopping centres. Sicko.

haha~ disgusting.. but ever since i put up my SGR car decal on the windscreen ppl stop disturbing my car thinking its a chick's car. think u might wanna get one? haha..

Nuke;149210 said:
Saddening. Considering the cost of repairs to a soft top...hope urs is insured xinni.

nah.. its not that serious but the sight is painful la.. haha
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

adsnx;149220 said:
perhaps u can check with the management of PS, the carpk might be installed with CCTV .
Hope it does & arresting the culprit wld be a deterrent to such mischief act.

i tried looking ard but there was no cameras ard. maybe its hidden, that i'm not sure.. but i didn't pursue the issue la. think those ppl r jus too free.. bah :angry:
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

disgusting act....

what to do, we live in a society that still has bad habbits and attitudes
Re: stub out cigarette on soft top

Sillypore garment take a serious view when someone defaces a lamp post or something. I wonder what action would they take on the culprit for such incidents? Or would they just turn a blind eye and tell you to take civil actions instead..

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