The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

The GPS system implemented seems to be more than just the usual tracking system that we have in most parts of the world. I believe it also uses some local signals in Japan to make a more accurate determination.

The GPS view of the GTR I saw in Singapore put it in a Japanese dealer showroom near the harbour :( Probably the last place the GPS system was active. so it doesn't seem to recognize that it is in Singapore.

In any case, I suspect the GPS maps are probably using a proprietary format so not sure if you could even find a compatible map of Singapore/Malaysia in the right format.
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

louis;301055 said:
price wise? does anyone have a list of the cheapest to the most expensive PIs to buy from?

The cheapest I have come across for a PI who I havent seen with a bad rep is Autohub Asia. They were last quoting 267 around, with an OMV of 66 or so. How it is low, dont know. They are also offering a 3yr/60K warranty and 3 yrs free labor.

DoggieHowser;301080 said:
The other factor has to do with after sales support.

Some companies are charging a premium for that. This could be in the form of a substitute package that mimics Nissan's High Performance Center service cycle regimes in Japan including access to diagnostic tools from third party tuner companies etc.

Some will also provide reasonable warranty coverage for modifications. As I am looking for a speedcut remover, this is an area that concerns me a lot. Some dealers use "mods" as a way to weasel out of warranty claims.

And of course, it also helps if the PI has access to Nissan trained engineers/resources. I am personally hoping for a way to get the damn MFD in English :p but that might probably have to wait for either the UK or Australia releases (RHD configs)

I seriously doubt ANYONE - even Tan Chong themselves will be able to mimic the Nissan High Performance Centers till Nissan actually bring the car in themselves. Doggie - you would also have read the same sources - that training and equipment is costing dealers in the US upto US$100K per technician. I seriously doubt ANY PI - be it MB, First Auto, Garage R, Auto Sportique or Autohub will have that capability.

The Warranty - well this is PIs we are talking about. The Warranty is not worth the paper it is written on. Even if you have personal relationships with the PI, if you have something critical fail - unless Nissan supply the PI with the parts, your car is going to sit in the workshop, and of whatever rumors I have heard - Nissan are going to be stringent on the parts supply too. Of course in this case, someone who has better contacts with Nissan might turn out to be better than someone who dont! But who knows what contacts the PI has with Nissan! No proof whatsoever.

I totally agree with the Mods scenario - however, I have seen several PIs more accomodative towards mods compared to others. My PI is trying to find out about the speedcut remover from Japan - and till date he hasnt said anything about voiding the warranty.

As for the MFD - I doubt we will ever get it working in English. I use the word ever because of what I have seen and heard, the setup of all cars outside Japan is going to be different from the JDM spec. As a result, the speed limiter, the GPS implementation etc. is going to be different from our cars. Unless Nissan becomes benevolent and offers an upgrade meant for us (no hope in hell), we are going to be stuck with the Japanese Units.

DoggieHowser;301091 said:
The GPS system implemented seems to be more than just the usual tracking system that we have in most parts of the world. I believe it also uses some local signals in Japan to make a more accurate determination.

The GPS view of the GTR I saw in Singapore put it in a Japanese dealer showroom near the harbour :( Probably the last place the GPS system was active. so it doesn't seem to recognize that it is in Singapore.

In any case, I suspect the GPS maps are probably using a proprietary format so not sure if you could even find a compatible map of Singapore/Malaysia in the right format.

The GPS is another matter altogether. I *think* it is the standard GPS system, with added telematics which doesnt really impact the GPS resolution. The maps are bound to be proprietary like other car makers, but the likelihood of these being cracked is far higher. Why? Simply because there is an incentive to do so. But again - how long this will take is a matter of debate. I have given up on ever being able to use the GPS or the MFD almost altogether (except of course for the gauges).

I guess one *possible* redeeming factor is that all data etc. for the GPS/MFD in the GTR is going to be stored on the hard drive - which (if) can be pulled out and diagnosed. Maybe we need an ICE expert here? ;)

Just my tuppence - with the caveat that Doggie is much much more knowledgeable than I am about this car so on balance he is bound to be more right than I am :)
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Given a bit more time, I am sure the GTR can be modded to do the quarter mile faster than this....

YouTube - Running of the Bulls

Yeah, its amazing that a car costing much lesser than true exotics can match them for handling and speed. But I also think 0 - 100 times arent the only factor. Brand prestige is a big factor too. Driving an Aston Martin or Lambo is truly an experience, as I am sure the new GTR will be too. Just dont expect the public to be wowed in the long run when they see your car compared to seeing a true exotic (with much greater price to match!) Saying that, I am sure the GTR will be a much more usable daily driver too.

YouTube - Ferrari CS Tunnel Runs!!! ... one of my fav tunnel soundtrack clips...
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

rex7_vtec;301241 said:
So judging from all the warranty issues, modifications, updates, parts availability is it still ok to get the GTR?

Bro, when you decide to buy a Jipun sports car from a PI, you gotta mentally prepare to live without any form of warranty whatsoever ... Cos no one can give you complete backup or solve whatever problems should they arise ... Just like when i bought my EVO 9 back then, first day was sent to GR to mod ... when my magnesium turbo blew, i stripped out the Turbo and sent it back to my PI to "claim warranty" which they promised but the new Turbo never came back and its been 2 years + since ... Just whack in big turbo and move on etc ... :) :) Am considering a GTR myself cos i think its an awesome car but wont be too bothered by the warranty issue ...
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

I for one dislike dealing with PIs... been there done that and was bitten. That's probably the biggest reason why I've held back from getting one.... well, apart from the money bit or the lack of it. Ha ha....
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Well thing is its ok to throw warranty outta the window when buying an Evo or Wrx since they cost about half the price of a GTR and also the fact that these 2 variants have been using similar parts for the past 3-4 generations?

The only thing going through my head is paying for something which will not work properly under "unfortunate" incidents like say turbo blow or radiator crack, you know those small issues. So seeing that the car is built on a brand new platform and the concern about parts availability was raised in an earlier posting it would really be demoralising.

Its like (for example) paying for a Vertu phone and in the end they ask you to go to Nokia care center, take a queue ticket and spend 2 hours waiting for an answer which goes something like "Oh we have to special indent your microchip and it will take about 3 weeks to arrive"
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

I totally agree with all the warranty issues which you guys mention. However take note of the fact that the GTR's architecture is much much more robust than the Evo or the WRX. As such, given the engine construction, you cannot pull out the current turbo and put in a new one. If you want to - full engine rebuild, which anyways means warranty bye bye.

I think unless you want to go down the rebuild route, mods are limited to ECU reprogramming to alter the boost map, Exhaust and rims - which, if played with sensibly - I dont think will cause issues.

Alternatively, given the immense amount of power already embedded within the car, just buy it and forget modding. Enjoy what you have - even more likely to not face any issues.

And in the end, whatever you buy - whether a Nissan, BMW, Merc, Lambo or Aston - you can ALWAYS get a lemon. Nissan (given the build and testing process this car goes through - even more stringent than the Scud) are trying to ensure this doesnt happen.

Fingers crossed... everything will stay fine - at least unless a local shop builds up enough knowledge to repair what happens to the car.

Of course - that might cost! So my logic - buy from the cheapest PI who I am comfortable with and bank the leftovers from 300K for an emergency fund.
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

timechaser;301306 said:
And in the end, whatever you buy - whether a Nissan, BMW, Merc, Lambo or Aston - you can ALWAYS get a lemon. Nissan (given the build and testing process this car goes through - even more stringent than the Scud) are trying to ensure this doesnt happen.

So my logic - buy from the cheapest PI who I am comfortable with and bank the leftovers from 300K for an emergency fund.

Very valid point taken and noted!
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

FWIW, I've seen the difference between how a good PI can handle the warranty issue and how a bad PI can seriously foul up the experience. Case in point (Evo 9 magnesium turbo).

As for diagnostic equipment.. you are right. I doubt we can't get the same diagnostic computer, but I have the impression that if companies like MINES can already reflash the ECU, there's a chance that it isn't a black box. It's probably something that tuners' inhouse diagnostic systems can achieve a significant level of performance needed.

What I meant abt the complete package is the other components of the maintenance cycle. It appears that the servicing cycle for the gearbox/transmission/differential and engine oil changes are a strict regiment, plus the regular checks on the alignment of the car, which if designed to go close to 300km/h is no trivial matter.
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

DoggieHowser;301364 said:
FWIW, I've seen the difference between how a good PI can handle the warranty issue and how a bad PI can seriously foul up the experience. Case in point (Evo 9 magnesium turbo).

As for diagnostic equipment.. you are right. I doubt we can't get the same diagnostic computer, but I have the impression that if companies like MINES can already reflash the ECU, there's a chance that it isn't a black box. It's probably something that tuners' inhouse diagnostic systems can achieve a significant level of performance needed.

What I meant abt the complete package is the other components of the maintenance cycle. It appears that the servicing cycle for the gearbox/transmission/differential and engine oil changes are a strict regiment, plus the regular checks on the alignment of the car, which if designed to go close to 300km/h is no trivial matter.

I agree with the servicing components - but I doubt if ANY PI - good or bad will be set up to handle alignment. The rest of the stuff - Gearbox/Tmsn/Oil etc. can be done, but the alignment I believe is going to be a different kettle altogether.

I guess it will ultimately boil down to this: whichever PI is providing good servicing will get more business from new customers as well as old buyers bringing their car to them to get serviced... Who it will be, I dont know! Though I have a couple in mind I seriously doubt will provide any kind of backup or service, given experiences collected (I am new to the game, but several people I have met over the past arent...).

Lets just hope someone - be it MB or Garage R or Autohub - sets up a full blown shop to service the GTR and offers a servicing package for a reasonable amount of money, and includes everything which a Nissan High Performance center would do while servicing the car!

Wait and see is the only thing I can think of!

BTW - Doggie - Mail me the menu file :)
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Hello ... i'm a prospective owner too :)

as mentioned by Doggie, i do have the english transated manuals if anyone wants it .. it's large so abit hard to email .. tried countless times to send to Doggie but then the thing keeps failing due to the max file limit on my email system ...


Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

wow..welcome in..please post pics of ur car..and come for the bmw-sg meetup:D
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

don't cars need to be OBDII compliant these days before they are road legal in the US? so worst case scenario, workshops should still be able to diagnose major engine faults correct?
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

DoggieHowser;301364 said:
FWIW, I've seen the difference between how a good PI can handle the warranty issue and how a bad PI can seriously foul up the experience. Case in point (Evo 9 magnesium turbo).

As for diagnostic equipment.. you are right. I doubt we can't get the same diagnostic computer, but I have the impression that if companies like MINES can already reflash the ECU, there's a chance that it isn't a black box. It's probably something that tuners' inhouse diagnostic systems can achieve a significant level of performance needed.

What I meant abt the complete package is the other components of the maintenance cycle. It appears that the servicing cycle for the gearbox/transmission/differential and engine oil changes are a strict regiment, plus the regular checks on the alignment of the car, which if designed to go close to 300km/h is no trivial matter.

Hi BK,

Just to update you and the rest of the guys here...we have the FIRST GT-R fitted with MINES VX-ROM. Well, that's what MINES told us.

1) cust went 220, limiter is gone
2) Horse power increase. Well, that's what MINES said, need to dyno on that.
2) radio fixed, my cust can happily listen to class 95 now

Next on mod list, VX Pro Titan II Titanium Exhaust and new air filter setup.

Took the GT-R with my cust and all I can say is that the ride is out of this world!!!

Coming really soon, we'll have something really sweet for all our GT-R customers...stay tune....:)
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

Guys FYI: Tan Chong Motor call me up today to view the GTR, they had finally decided to bring in the car. The demo car is right now at the warehouse, therefore I will be heading down to view the car next friday (coming back Sg on thursday - I think can view earlier). You guys might want to go down to Bukit Timah showroom (give them a call as I do not know if it is going to be in the showroom) on working hours if possible, as the SE mentioned I can view the car anytime during office hours.
Re: The (Prospective) GTR Owners Thread

A checklist may be useful for all propsective owners:

Please add on:

JDM GTR check list:

  • English Manual for car settings (from the ever helpful ALF!! :)
  • VX ROM ECU (speed limiter / remap)
    • Install in Japan
    • 1st automobile
    • ? ST and other
  • Radio recalibration for local station
  • Blue tooth pairing for mobile
  • Exhaust swap
  • Hyper LEDs
  • Rear Camera
  • AV Cable adapters (e.g. IPod)

Other suggestions for maintenance / mods:

  • Your personal PI
  • ?GR, ST, MM (They have resident GTRs for further mods)
  • Autofurbishing centre (Tan Chong’s subsidiary)

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