Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!


Well-Known Member

Before I post up the full story I would like to ask some advise from those who have done roof wrap before.

Are dust particles trapped under the wrap common with local shops here? Meaning is this a standard I have to accept because I live in Singapore and there are no "real solid pros" here? If yes, then how many of those tiny bubbles of trapped dust (not air bubbles) is generally acceptable by our local standards? If I look closely I can spot quite a number. I am asking because in Australia, the standards are superb...they will deliver my car with absolutely no air bubbles or trapped dust bubbles.

Another thing, when I collected my car, I noticed 4-5 lines that looked like ripples at the front where the wrap meets the front windscreen. However, when I run my fingers across I can't feel them. They are not visible when viewing from the top but definitely obvious when viewing from both sides of the car and from the front. They are about 4-5cm long so its very obvious. The installer told me its due to the moisture but should dry up after I parked my car under the sun. I did exactly what he advised and parked at the front of my driveway where there is always direct sunlight. It gets so hot that you can't even lay your hands on the car. But after parking the car overnight plus 4-5 hrs off hot sunlight, they are still there (showed no signs of improvement). I called the installer and he sounded unsure and a little puzzled. He couldn't give me a clear unanswer and ask me to try and wait one more day. I have already spent about 10 hrs sitting in their shop waiting (long story but will reveal why I sat there and waited like a fool instead of heading back to office) and I really hate to have to drive back and have the same thing happen again.

Is there anyone that had similar experience? Please advise so I know if I should wait it out or demand for a refund and get the job done somewhere else.

Thanks heaps!
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

Bubbles, redo !!!

That's what Gen-Concept and Visionwerkz did.
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

It was done by GenConcept! They did not offer redo and told me it's normal to have some bubbles with dust particles trapped under. Their reason is because it's impossible for the air to be dust free! But in Australia those guys work inside an Aircon room with air filters! So nothing is impossible! Just different standards of professionalism. I will reveal my full horror story later after work. It's gotta be the worse $550 I spent ever! What about the ripples which looks like shadows?
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

$550 is too expensive. Anyway, I thought standard practice is Redo if got bubbles. Or at least they tell you to wait for 3weeks, if still there then redo. Anyway if you really LL with them, you can try using a very fine pin, gently poke the bubble, and then flatten it.
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

550 for roof?????

it can be done professionally by free lancers for 150 at most.. their workmanship is good man..:thumbsup:
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

I just finished a performance...will explain in detail...give me an hour...
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

Used them as well before. I got stuff re-wrapped because of wrinkles and after a few days, wrinkles appeared again............give up in the end.
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

Paid $120 to get my E60 done at Johnson's at Ubi. ORACLE Gloss Black Sticker for Roof and Antenna. Job took 1hr+. No wrinkles. Some small bubbles but disappeared after 3 days. Took out on the 5th day and sprayed cos from far look nice. but nothing beats the real gloss of paint. Just painted and collected my car at J4C today!!! (Many thanks, ST)

put sticker on and rip out to spray also total cost never reach 550. I think they just pulled a fast one on ya bud!

Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

Ok here goes:-

I drove to GenConcept on Wednesday wanting to get my roof and my rear diffuser wrapped. When I arrived, the carbon fibre vinyl caught my eye. However one of the sales assistant advised that the material is too thick for my diffuser. So he suggested for me to stick to black. But as I was discussing with him, the boss of GC walked towards me (he must of overheard our discussion) and assured me that the CF vinyl will work just fine for my rear diffuser. I told him that his SA said it's too thick but he assured me that his installer will know what to do. So I agreed to go ahead with the CF.

At this point, I asked the installer how long will I have to wait. They said 2 to 2.5hrs. So I decided to stay put instead of going back to my office. After sitting around for 1.5 hrs I noticed that my diffuser was still not completed and they haven't even started on my roof. So I asked again how long I'll have to wait. He said another hour. So I decided to stay put. Then after 30 mins, another installer decided to join in and began work on my roof. After 3.5 hrs, they are only about 80 percent done. At this point, the rear diffuser was "completed". I went to inspect it and it was horrifying! The patterns on the joints were not matching and there were thick folded edges at all corners. Some areas are peeling. I asked the installer to have a look and his response was that CF is too thick and that is the best he can do. I was really shocked and approached the SA. I told him if that's the best he can do, then I will rather have it removed. They removed it.

Then came horror number 2. The CF wrap is too thick and was preventing the roof side panels to be clipped back on. They then told me that the side panels cannot be wrapped! Now the wrap cannot go all the way to the edges. At this point, I have already spent 4.5hrs at the workshop. I decided to take my leave.

Next morning, I looked at the car under bright daylight and decided that it now looks really weird. The edges are not filled and now with the diffuser still grey (that's the stock M-Tech kit colour), I now have a triple-tone look!!! Also, the edges on some areas are starting to peel. I drove back and told the SA that I accept this look. I told them to remove the CF and have them redo in Black so that both my roof and diffuser can have a cohesive look. I told them even though your boss gave me wrong advise, I'm still willing to pay for labour. But guess how much they quoted for me to top up? $350!!!! They told me that the diffuser will cost $250 to wrap in black and I'll have to pay $100 labour for the roof. I told them that this is ridiculous because I remembered the boss quoted me $220 for wrapping roof in black during our initial discussion. How can the roof be cheaper than the tiny diffuser? He then said that the diffuser is harder to wrap. This is the part where I knew he was bullshitting. The CF pricing was $350 for roof and $250 for diffuser. Diffuser about 30 to 40% CHEAPER than roof. How is it possible that now black roof cost $220 and diffuser cost $250? Anyway, after about an hour of debate, we settled on topping up $200.

Now horror number 3. I asked how long it'll take for rewrap. They said 2 hrs. They assured me it'll be shorter than yesterday because black vinyl is thinner and easier to work with. I decided to stay put. But guess how long I waited? 6 hours. Every 2 hours they will
assure me that they'll only need another 30 mins etc. Also, halfway through, they had to redo the roof because they found too much trapped dust particles. Damn pro right??

Now here are a few ridiculous points that I couldn't find a spot to fit into my essay above:-

1. On the phone I was quoted only $120-$150 for roof. When I got there, price became much higher. I thought maybe the SA was new so I trusted the boss's quote and went ahead.

2. The boss did not at any point apologize for the poor work done and the insane waiting time.

3. The boss did not offer redo even though I pointed out trapped dust bubbles all around. He just said that its normal to have some.

I am lost for words can a company that has won awards be so dodgy in their pricing and workmanship??? Don't know what to say leow...

Imagine the boss can get so complacent in just 4 years in business, how much worse will it be after a few more years??
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Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

too much pics...its like reading a dictionary...

sorry i lose interest very quickly when there is no pics.. :)

but seems like u overpaid for it..550 is ex
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

Then how do those window film people keep the dust out?

Calling Sherman for advice and ask him to teach these incompetent idiots.
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

Was the installer the philippino, chinese or malay guy ? The chinese dude cannot make it. And lacks the fortitude to do re-dos. And for the botched job just told me its the best they can do.

When I went back to complain the next day, the chinese guy was busy - the philipino dude looked at it and said must re-do. Ripped everything out and finished everything in half the time taken by the chinese guy.

Boss was also not around on the second day ............

alvinthedrummer;587007 said:
Ok here goes:-

I drove to GenConcept on Wednesday wanting to get my roof and my rear diffuser wrapped. When I arrived, the carbon fibre vinyl caught my eye. However one of the sales assistant advised that the material is too thick for my diffuser. So he suggested for me to stick to black. But as I was discussing with him, the boss of GC walked towards me (he must of overheard our discussion) and assured me that the CF vinyl will work just fine for my rear diffuser. I told him that his SA said it's too thick but he assured me that his installer will know what to do. So I agreed to go ahead with the CF.

At this point, I asked the installer how long will I have to wait. They said 2 to 2.5hrs. So I decided to stay put instead of going back to my office. After sitting around for 1.5 hrs I noticed that my diffuser was still not completed and they haven't even started on my roof. So I asked again how long I'll have to wait. He said another hour. So I decided to stay put. Then after 30 mins, another installer decided to join in and began work on my roof. After 3.5 hrs, they are only about 80 percent done. At this point, the rear diffuser was "completed". I went to inspect it and it was horrifying! The patterns on the joints were not matching and there were thick folded edges at all corners. Some areas are peeling. I asked the installer to have a look and his response was that CF is too thick and that is the best he can do. I was really shocked and approached the SA. I told him if that's the best he can do, then I will rather have it removed. They removed it.

Then came horror number 2. The CF wrap is too thick and was preventing the roof side panels to be clipped back on. They then told me that the side panels cannot be wrapped! Now the wrap cannot go all the way to the edges. At this point, I have already spent 4.5hrs at the workshop. I decided to take my leave.

Next morning, I looked at the car under bright daylight and decided that it now looks really weird. The edges are not filled and now with the diffuser still grey (that's the stock M-Tech kit colour), I now have a triple-tone look!!! Also, the edges on some areas are starting to peel. I drove back and told the SA that I accept this look. I told them to remove the CF and have them redo in Black so that both my roof and diffuser can have a cohesive look. I told them even though your boss gave me wrong advise, I'm still willing to pay for labour. But guess how much they quoted for me to top up? $350!!!! They told me that the diffuser will cost $250 to wrap in black and I'll have to pay $100 labour for the roof. I told them that this is ridiculous because I remembered the boss quoted me $220 for wrapping roof in black during our initial discussion. How can the roof be cheaper than the tiny diffuser? He then said that the diffuser is harder to wrap. This is the part where I knew he was bullshitting. The CF pricing was $350 for roof and $250 for diffuser. Diffuser about 30 to 40% CHEAPER than roof. How is it possible that now black roof cost $220 and diffuser cost $250? Anyway, after about an hour of debate, we settled on topping up $200.

Now horror number 3. I asked how long it'll take for rewrap. They said 2 hrs. They assured me it'll be shorter than yesterday because black vinyl is thinner and easier to work with. I decided to stay put. But guess how long I waited? 6 hours. Every 2 hours they will
assure me that they'll only need another 30 mins etc. Also, halfway through, they had to redo the roof because they found too much trapped dust particles. Damn pro right??

Now here are a few ridiculous points that I couldn't find a spot to fit into my essay above:-

1. On the phone I was quoted only $120-$150 for roof. When I got there, price became much higher. I thought maybe the SA was new so I trusted the boss's quote and went ahead.

2. The boss did not at any point apologize for the poor work done and the insane waiting time.

3. The boss did not offer redo even though I pointed out trapped dust bubbles all around. He just said that its normal to have some.

I am lost for words can a company that has won awards be so dodgy in their pricing and workmanship??? Don't know what to say leow...

Imagine the boss can get so complacent in just 4 years in business, how much worse will it be after a few more years??
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

it's overpaid due to screw ups
first pay for CF material, then pay for black vinyl material and 2x labour (wrap & rewrap) .... :errrrrrr:
feel sorry for very painful experience and the agony through all the hours at the workshop looking at them wrap-strip-rewrap the car and even now the result is still not acceptable, right?

///M3;587009 said:
too much pics...its like reading a dictionary...

sorry i lose interest very quickly when there is no pics.. :)

but seems like u overpaid for it..550 is ex
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Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

wt_know: the agreed price before redo on very initial CF wrap is $350 for roof and $250 for diffuser. But I they couldn't do a proper job with diffuser so they removed it and I paid only for the roof. Next day top up $200 for redo plus rear diffuser. But I think still overcharged because firstly, the boss convinced me into CF assuring me it'll wrap well on the diffuser. So not my fault for the redo. Black vinyl cost should be about 35% cheaper but after topping up $200, I'm only paying only 8% cheaper! And this figure is only based on his quotes. If compared to other shops, it could be worse.

How to post picture? I can't possibly snap them working on my car right? The sign says no photography allowed in their shop leh...

I'll snap some tomorrow for some flaws to show you guys lah
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Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

alvinthedrummer;587021 said: hit the nail right there!

How to post picture? I can't possibly snap them working on my car right? The sign says no photography allowed in their shop leh...

I'll snap some tomorrow for some flaws to show you guys lah
you taking pics of your own car...they don't allow? :thinking::errrrrrr:
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

alvinthedrummer;587021 said:
wt_know: the agreed price before redo on very initial CF wrap is $350 for roof and $250 for diffuser. But I they couldn't do a proper job with diffuser so they removed it and I paid only for the roof. Next day top up $200 for redo plus rear diffuser. But I think still overcharged because firstly, the boss convinced me into CF assuring me it'll wrap well on the diffuser. So not my fault for the redo. Black vinyl cost should be about 35% cheaper but after topping up $200, I'm only paying only 8% cheaper! And this figure is only based on his quotes. If compared to other shops, it could be worse.

How to post picture? I can't possibly snap them working on my car right? The sign says no photography allowed in their shop leh...

I'll snap some tomorrow for some flaws to show you guys lah

The fact that they are willing to quote a lower price for redo is a sign the first wrap is :shakebon::errrrrrr:.

Very easy hiadee. Just post this thread's hyperlink to every god damn car forum. Do that especially on mycarforum bcos there are tonnes of car n access dealers there. The best way to deal with this type of unprofessional shops is to hit their reputation.

the entire BMW SG forum is behing u on his(for a good reason, no need to bend over), as well as my platoon of green-beret trained hiadees.

Dont pay them n dont do a rewrap. Wait for them to come here n respond. I will tekan them until this shop owner's blood pressure it 8,300rpm like M3.
Re: Vinyl Roof Wrap Horror!!

Ahbengdriver;587090 said:
The fact that they are willing to quote a lower price for redo is a sign the first wrap is :shakebon::errrrrrr:.

Very easy hiadee. Just post this thread's hyperlink to every god damn car forum. Do that especially on mycarforum bcos there are tonnes of car n access dealers there. The best way to deal with this type of unprofessional shops is to hit their reputation.

the entire BMW SG forum is behing u on his(for a good reason, no need to bend over), as well as my platoon of green-beret trained hiadees.

Dont pay them n dont do a rewrap. Wait for them to come here n respond. I will tekan them until this shop owner's blood pressure it 8,300rpm like M3.

Thanks heaps bro!

I called yesterday to speak with the boss but he refused to speak with me and I had to speak through his manager. Today I drove over personally and again he refused to speak with me and I had to speak through his manager! I asked for a refund for the roof job because after 2 wraps, the job is still bad. He refused to give a refund and only a rewrap! I explained I have already wasted 10 hours sitting at his shop and that I don't want to go through that anymore! He refused to budge.

I had the wrap removed in the end and now waiting to speak with him on Monday. That is if he calls me.

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