Water is sipping into my car when raining or washing...


Well-Known Member

Currently, I'm driving a E46 Pe-FL 318iA, 4-Door. I have a problem here, water is sipping into my car from the below of the driver's door. The fault was ever checked by my mechanic friend, who had opened up the driver door. He told me that styrofoam in between the cardboard door board & the metal door, was slightly torn at the below part. The styrofoam was sticked ontp the metal door, using a kind of plasticine-like' adhesive.

I was told that the styrofoam was used to blocked water from rain, washing, etc..., out from coming into the car. Thus, the water will be deposited within the door & subsequently drained out. I suspected the 'tear' of the styrofoam was done by my car-stereo man who installed the speakers months ago.

Is there any forumers who had encountered such a similar problems as I do?

Can any forumers kind enough to advise me what should I do now?
1) Whether should I change the entire styrofoam? Or is there other more economic ways?
2) How much will the styrofoam cost? Besides PML, is Eng Soon the only way out to get the original parts. Are those spare parts shop at Waterloo Street can offer much lower than the mentioned two places?
3) What is the part number for the styrofoam?

I hope I can get the fault done as soon as possible, I don't want my car to suffer from 'cancer' in the coming years, when my floor will rot. Thanking all in advance.

Best Regards
Re: Water is sipping into my car when raining or washing...

Use a piece of sound insulating material like accumat to paste up the tear. That should solve the leaky problem

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