What the hell happened to the forum? Down since Sunday???


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Glad that the worst part is over! Was suffering from withdrawal systems over the weekend :drool: ! It's only after this problem that I found I was REALLY addicted to this forum :inlove: .
SL2 said:
Was suffering from withdrawal systems over the weekend. It's only after this problem that I found I was REALLY addicted to this forum

Brother Loh, what ever happened to family life? Sex? Have you been doing it the right way...... kekeke......
fwah, no wonder has been accessing since sunday... thought something wrong with my browser or internet connection.. hopefully everything is well.. :thumbsup:
No worries... recovery plan is not easy, i am glad they recovered all your data. Server thingy is not few hours can finish, give them a try dude.

Ryan, in the industry, for this sort of hosting, there's always something called SLA (Service Level Agreement). In there you're supposed to find the provider's guarantee of uptime per year as well as guaranteed maximum recovery time in each event of downtime. Usually, punitive damages are applicable for failure to comply with the SLA.

While we're not nasty people and want to sue the provider bankrupt over such matters, I think it is fair that if the service level is not maintained for a particular period, that the provider refunds you the hosting fee for that period (like for this month?). You may want to put pressure on them to make sure they pay for what they cannot deliver. It's not a matter of the money; it's making them feel the pinch so they will remember.
Yep, i did bring them up with this issue.

They already offered a free month's compensation for this issue. :)

So everything's cool. Still monitoring the situation.

DreamDriver said:
Ryan, in the industry, for this sort of hosting, there's always something called SLA (Service Level Agreement). In there you're supposed to find the provider's guarantee of uptime per year as well as guaranteed maximum recovery time in each event of downtime. Usually, punitive damages are applicable for failure to comply with the SLA.

While we're not nasty people and want to sue the provider bankrupt over such matters, I think it is fair that if the service level is not maintained for a particular period, that the provider refunds you the hosting fee for that period (like for this month?). You may want to put pressure on them to make sure they pay for what they cannot deliver. It's not a matter of the money; it's making them feel the pinch so they will remember.
I agree with this. Thankfully all data is intact. I do backups on my own as well so yeap..no issues there.

calvin said:
No worries... recovery plan is not easy, i am glad they recovered all your data. Server thingy is not few hours can finish, give them a try dude.

ryan, dont be apologetic over it, coz it's an uncontrolled externality. You've already bent over backwards coming out with your own time and money as a fellow car enthusiast to start this new forum from scratch. You've even researched before settling on this particular server, so, the rest is down to Murphy's law.

we should thank you instead, for the effort and time and money thus far. :)
RB puts it so well. Seconded!
Haha, no worries from me.

Everyone here plays a major role in moderating and making the forum a great place to be in. And i myself, am much more appreciative of that.

No biggie from me, seriously.

Hope there's no more future bugs to disrupt the forum!
Yeah.. me had withdrawal symptoms too! just felt really odd that I couldnt get into the forum for so long!!

Agree with RB that Ryan has done really so much for all of us enthusiasts!

Yap!! i totally agree with RB. What you done for the forum is no words can express. But dont bend too much hor is not good for the health.

Ryan... no matter what happens, I think everyone here is indebted to you for setting up this forum... so don't feel too bad when things go wrong... sometimes really not your fault!
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