wobbles;924996 said:Just goes to show, "real men (with great sex drive) drive Bimmers".
jasonmaxima;924999 said:you are a CB
f13 driver......
wobbles;925004 said:Psssst... just between you and me, bro to bro, I'm also thinking of being a bigger CB. Am giving serious thought to the 911 with PCCB, amongst other goodies. But, must wait for either:
a. COE to come down (in 2014 or 2015)
b. knees to heal
c. wife to suddenly have a change of heart & say "OK darling, for you, anything"
.... I reckon I'll just wait till COE drops.
jasonmaxima;925006 said:porsche carbon ceramic brakes for a C2S? you must be raking $$$ in big time....
else I think the endorphines generated by your brain during all those past durian shell kneeling sessions might have fried your brain.
kenntona;925007 said:hey bros !!!
kenntona;925007 said:Hey BROS !!!
wobbles;924996 said:Just goes to show, "real men (with great sex drive) drive Bimmers".
Meek;925021 said:really?
real men got durian skin kneeling and BROmancing each other? wow.
**run fast fast**
jasonmaxima;925019 said:Carrera S = C2S....2wd / rwd 991 with the S engine
unless you buying the C4S.... 4wd 991 with the S engine
you should get 991 C2S cabriolet.... topless.... AC323 will say ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS rocks
MW;925032 said:someone pls PM me price for a Sentosa Cove unit with personal jetty. Thanks
jasonmaxima;925024 said:iscoupe confirmed that his 10 million dollar policy will be willed to me. do I bromance him now or just get no names MWentioned and his vigilante services to finish him off?
serious question....
MW;925032 said:someone pls PM me price for a Sentosa Cove unit with personal jetty. Thanks