Which Insurance to take ?


Well-Known Member
Dear Bros...

Which insurance should I take.. as I am collect my 2007 E90 on Saturaday...

NTUC - $1.8K/yr
Aviva - $1.6K/yr

Please advise... Seeking all Bros Opinion !!
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

How to give opinion when you are just comparing prices?
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

golilok;988724 said:
How to give opinion when you are just comparing prices?

Cheaper the better lo :)

Bro, cheaper doesn't mean good, can be less coverage, some say you change rims they don't cover, New sart bodykit also don't cover, so best stay stock if you want to go for cheap insurance (and there's more fine lines too)
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

Chartis laaaaa
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

Go for the cheaper one. Use the money saved to go GL for pa pow. Worth it.
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

Check out China Taiping.
Re: Which Insurance to take ?


Re: Which Insurance to take ?

BMW-GK;988723 said:
Dear Bros...

Which insurance should I take.. as I am collect my 2007 E90 on Saturaday...

NTUC - $1.8K/yr
Aviva - $1.6K/yr

Please advise... Seeking all Bros Opinion !!

What the...
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

Re: Which Insurance to take ?

Oilman;988748 said:
What the...

I feel for you man....

Btw, Can advise what should I eat for breakfast tomorrow? The chwee kuah is $1.40 and the chee cheong fun is $1.70.
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

I heard Aviva cheaper by $200 when compared with NTUC. So Aviva better
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

I heard ntuc is more expensive. Aviva should be cheaper.
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

Change sport rims and mod first....than buy insurance lor.
Re: Which Insurance to take ?

Dun buy, SAVE IT ALL UP !!!!

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