Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?


Well-Known Member
OK, it is quite obvious that there are some who hated Apple (the company), Steve Jobs, and especially the iPhone.

The thing is WHY? Did they know something I don't? One friend says that is because he is a Zen Buddhist and as friend is Christian, he should not support (ie buy) their products. Is that it or was there something more?

Just wondering.

Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

Samsung said: When i can not beat them, i destroy them.
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

There is a phrase called "Red eye"
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

I think some find the learning curve to steep to switch to an Iphone, and it becomes Hate.

Actually, one should hate Facebook more than Iphone.
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

philiporaski;698700 said:
OK, it is quite obvious that there are some who hated Apple (the company), Steve Jobs, and especially the iPhone.

The thing is WHY? Did they know something I don't? One friend says that is because he is a Zen Buddhist and as friend is Christian, he should not support (ie buy) their products. Is that it or was there something more?

Just wondering.


Your friend is an idiot for bringing religion into this. We are talking about electronics here. Anyway, there are bible apps available for the Christen users.

Back to topic about Apple haters.... well, previously, Apple was the underdog, people used Apple because they were seen to be 'cool', anti establishment, anti-microsoft etc.... but the tables have turned and Apple is now, in terms of market cap, bigger than Microsoft, so it is no more the underdog.

And another reason is the lack of configurability of the devices, hence the term Jailbroken.... the devices are quite stringent in the way it is programed, which has its own merits and demerits.

Anyway, this is just my point of view. I'm an Apple fan but not an Apple extremist.....
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

well said, I have Apple becos of the cool factor in owning one. The functions sucks compared to Android phone in my opinion chiefly cos no Flash player so cannot watch all kinds of porn
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

think people started hating Apple not cos of the products but the fan boys...Windows and Android fans have their respect for products like Macbook Air...even with the release of Ultrabooks recently by other manufacturers the Macbook Air is still the benchmark...

these days the other camps have their fair share of irritating fan boys...though Apple fan boys still seem to be less rationale cos not many are as articulate as Steve Jobs in convincing people less is more...more is less...etc...

so you see more mug slinging in sites like Engadget by fans of Windows, MAC OS, iOS, Android...Blackberry...even funnier than BMWs vs Mercs etc...
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Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

Toto's friends hated the apple and the snake.

Their names are Adam and Eve. Dunno why they hate the Apple so much now.
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

VolanteDB9;698764 said:
think people started hating Apple not cos of the products but the fan boys...Windows and Android fans have their respect for products like Macbook Air...even with the release of Ultrabooks recently by other manufacturers the Macbook Air is still the benchmark...

these days the other camps have their fair share of irritating fan boys...though Apple fan boys still seem to be less rationale cos not many are as articulate as Steve Jobs in convincing people less is more...more is less...etc...

so you see more mug slinging in sites like Engadget by fans of Windows, MAC OS, iOS, Android...Blackberry...even funnier than BMWs vs Mercs etc...

What about BMW vs Merc?
Pls share the jokes
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

philiporaski;698700 said:
The thing is WHY? Did they know something I don't? One friend says that is because he is a Zen Buddhist and as friend is Christian, he should not support (ie buy) their products. Is that it or was there something more?


Almost the entire preaching staff in my church uses iPhone -- so I don't think there's a doctrinal issue there.

From Christian's point of view, God is the creator, we and everything on earth is creation. Get the priority on the Creator right, everything else is secondary...

Just my two humble cents.
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

They hate because too many people are using Apple products and iPhones. They want to be different, but secretly, they wish their Androids are like the iPhone.
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

philiporaski;698700 said:
OK, it is quite obvious that there are some who hated Apple (the company), Steve Jobs, and especially the iPhone.

The thing is WHY? Did they know something I don't? One friend says that is because he is a Zen Buddhist and as friend is Christian, he should not support (ie buy) their products. Is that it or was there something more?

Just wondering.


quite a lame observation by ur fren..not an Apple fan...unless u need to activate the SIRI by saying 'Buddha' or swipe on the screen buddhist symbol to unlock..i dun see why religion should be involved here..
simply say, u cant make all ppl like 38G cup neh neh..some find them too little or handful..while others prefer butt..some like taiwanese more than thai..
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

PI or Agent?

Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

What has religion got to do with phone?

Sorry to say this but... Your friend.... I would say ' very interesting '
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

android can watch porn, religion ppl should boycott android
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

hitmee;699041 said:
android can watch porn, religion ppl should boycott android

Iphone can watch Porn too... theres a way :thumbsup:
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

XXX;698731 said:
I think some find the learning curve to steep to switch to an Iphone, and it becomes Hate.

Actually, one should hate Facebook more than Iphone.

Yah FB is a kaypoh site.
Totoseow can double confirm this.
I aint fan at all.
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

philiporaski;698700 said:
OK, it is quite obvious that there are some who hated Apple (the company), Steve Jobs, and especially the iPhone.

The thing is WHY? Did they know something I don't? One friend says that is because he is a Zen Buddhist and as friend is Christian, he should not support (ie buy) their products. Is that it or was there something more?

Just wondering.


Tell your Christian frd also that alot of restaurant owners are also Buddhists so he/she shouldnt patronize their biz. Or hang on, the owners religious profile isnt high enough to be known hence act blur
Re: Why some people are anti Apple and iPhone?

Christianity teaches to Love, not to hate. :)

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