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WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

The Mixmaster

Well-Known Member
Hi bros

I am keen to buy an E46 M3 Cabriolet.

If you're planning to sell your M3 Cabriolet or if you know someone who is selling, please PM me or sms me at 94873538 with details.

No dealers please.

Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

EDIT: double post.. (20 char thing)
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet


I am currently driving a Z3 and want to continue to enjoy the topless ride sometimes.

With a M3 cab, I can enjoy the best of both worlds, performance and topless.

But, if I can't find a good M3 cab, I can consider a M3 coupe.
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

Any idea how much you are they selling at Hin Lung ?
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

I dunno about whether its been buanged before, but I did have a look at it...

Asking $218k... red interior... I think ext color has been changed cos sticker under hood says carbon-black, but on outside its a very dark purplish-royal-blue...
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

Saw one ad last week 2002 M3 Cab,...think that's the one..
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

sori for OT - Mixmaster ( happy hunting !! )

to SEI - I pm'd you

Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

NO, not that buanged unit, that was reg on '04' ,at that time was asking for $20xk. btw DJ you are comimg fast har.
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

Today they advert @ 205k liow...drastic price drop in a week....wonder why?
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

Hi Dave

dave said:
NO, not that buanged unit, that was reg on '04' ,at that time was asking for $20xk. btw DJ you are comimg fast har.

When I bought the Z3 from you, I said that a 2.2l engine is powerful enough. Then, I started mixing with the crowd here and now, power is never enough. Haha.

Let's meetup to lim kopi and talk about cars since you live nearby to me.
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

How much is the body of a M3 cabriolet worth if export at 5th/6th year? Taking into account that this car is on the 80% PARF scheme with high COE of almost 40k, what would be a fair price? 190k?
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet


Yeah, good question - how much would be a fair price?

I saw this blue/black M3 cab at Hin Lung. The exterior paintwork and internal steering wheel trims has some chips and scratches. 58,000 km on the clock and 2 owners. Somehow, I don't think that it is worth $218k (now reduced to $205k).
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

kl88 said:
I dunno about whether its been buanged before, but I did have a look at it...

Asking $218k... red interior... I think ext color has been changed cos sticker under hood says carbon-black, but on outside its a very dark purplish-royal-blue...

The one which was buanged was the sparkling graphite specimen found there many months back.
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

Brandons said:
The one which was buanged was the sparkling graphite specimen found there many months back.
Which I remember someone saying that particular one was a PI car.
Re: WTB: E46 M3 Cabriolet

Isn't it weird that a 04 car is asking 20xk and a 02 car is also asking for 205k, even if the former is a PI n lower parf?

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