How Fast Can a 20 Year Old E36 M3 Go On Autobahn?

Car Throttle wanted to find out how fast a 20 year old BMW E36 M3 Lemon can go on the derestricted Autobahn in Germany. Watch as it exceeds expectations on this video:

Alex, who works at Car Throttle, is the owner of this 20 year old car. This E36 M3 already has more than 120,000 miles on it. The car, fondly called “Collin” by Alex, has undergone a couple of routine maintenance procedures. Nothing fancy except for an oil change, new rear dampers and new air filter.

In one of the videos that they did recently, they discovered that in 20 years, the car already lost about 30 horsepower. Given the age of this car, it is highly likely that it will no longer reach its original 155 mpg top speed. Nonetheless, it is still very powerful.

During the video, Alex used an iPhone GPS speedometer app and he got 151 mph on the first run. On the second run, he encountered a bit of traffic so it didn’t reach 150 mph top speed. The third one was successful though, as the iPhone app indicated 159 mph. That’s even more than the original claim. However, we are not sure how accurate the iPhone app is.

Throughout the runs, the car remained stable and was fun to drive. It was not something people would normally expect from a car as old as this. Other old cars can be scary at high speeds since they’re understandably unstable. But this one? Nope, not this one.

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