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[Video] Latest review on the brand-new BMW iX3

Reviews on the brand new BMW iX3 begin to appear online. The guys from What Car? were present during the press release held in Munich several weeks ago. They compare the new iX3 from its major rivals, such as the Mercedes-Benz EQC and Audi e-Tron.

The EQC was released early on, and while the electric vehicle from BMW is still in the waiting for arrival, the e-Tron is set to arrive before the Bavarian machine. The question is, will the iX3 perform better because of the extra time it took to develop?

Well, it relies on how you see it. In comparison to its rivals, the BMW iX3 gets the edge in terms of autonomy. It beats both the EQC and the e-Tron with its claimed 285 miles. However, this still greatly varies on how you utilize the car.

The iX3 appears to be the lightest, slowest, and least powerful car among the three and not by margins either as both cars possess power over 400 HP against the sub 300 of the iX3.

With that said, it will be a challenge for the iX3; however, it seems like patrons aren’t so immersed with the specs at this time. Based on our reliable sources, there’s a large demand for the electric X3, and continues to grow so much that it might become a challenge to keep up over time.

As for the price, the iX3 also comes relatively cheaper than its rivals, and maybe that explains why. Yet will that be enough to make it a hit? I guess we all just have to wait.

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