Recent content by Silly 5

  1. Silly 5

    6 series group

    Hi 6ser group, I am Admin of G30///SG, a buddy of mine just bought a COE F12, can you PM how to join your whatapp group. thanks.
  2. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Hi all, We have an official G30///SG club. This is an exclusive chat group for Singapore G30 owners only. We discuss topics about mods and other stuff mostly car related in the chat, do regular meet up and night drives. Pls PM me here or at FB if you...
  3. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    We have an official G30///SG club. This is an exclusive chat group for Singapore G30 owners only. We discuss topics about mods and other stuff mostly car related in the chat, do regular meet up and night drives. Pls PM us at FB if you are keen to join our...
  4. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    My apologies, I didn’t realized link was changed.
  5. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!
  6. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    We have an official G30///SG club. This is an exclusive chat group for Singapore G30 owners only. We discuss topics about mods and other stuff mostly car related in the chat, do regular meet up and night drives. Pls PM...
  7. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    We have an official G30///SG club. This is an exclusive chat group for Singapore G30 owners only. We discuss topics about mods and other stuff mostly car related in the chat, do regular meet up and night drives. Pls PM us at FB if you are keen to join our...
  8. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    We have an official G30 SG club. This is an exclusive chat group for Singapore G30 owners only. We discuss topics about mods and other stuff mostly car related in the chat, do regular meet up and night drives. Pls PM me...
  9. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Hi Friends, I am so sorry that I had not responded for so long, my apology, was very busy. If you are interested to join our official G30///SG chat you can drop us a msg on FB, there are more admin there to reply you. I will go through my msg and reply...
  10. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Yes, that’s right.
  11. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    I already PM my contact to you looking forward to welcome you.
  12. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Hahaha...don’t disturb me la. Not knowing that you from Modster Admin, one of my G30SG member go jioed you. By the way, congratulations to your ride
  13. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Mine does read whatsapp.
  14. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Hi All, We have an official G30 SG club. This is an exclusive chat group for Singapore G30 owners only. We discuss topics about mods and other stuff mostly car related in the chat, do regular meet up and night drives.
  15. Silly 5

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Dear 320i, Thank you for the sharing!