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  1. G

    E92/93 Owners, where art you?

    Re: E92/93 Owners, where art you? ONE more girl. :cloud9:
  2. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? KKGG???? :confused: Yah, swirl marks are V annoying. But the car polishing companies at carparks of the departmental stores can't seem to be able to get rid of them either. I'm definitely going to pay a visit to recommended vendors. Me thinks I'd better...
  3. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? okok... will stop being coy and annoying. I ended up with the 325 coupe because 335 the out of budget lah. And also cos somebody wise said that for that kind of money, I should get a used porsche. Which makes sense to me cos I'm not a serious enthusiast, and a 335...
  4. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Didn't know you were a fan of Hello Kitty!!!! I buy for you ok? Plus a FA-cai mao too, and a Ong-lye to put on your dashboard. :nehnehhh:
  5. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? HEEHEE.... this information was intentionally omitted.... see whether anybody paying attention mah. ABD, not black and red lah. Donch worry. Mine nicer, black with brown interior! But slower... : (
  6. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Brothers and Sisters, Uncles and Aunties, Thank you all for your helpful suggestions and insight. I've done the deed, signed the papers, collected the car. It is a little alarming that I am signing on to more debt when the Bl**dy world market going into...
  7. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? actually, husband doesn't care about the drive. IT'S ME. I'm the :evil: i was vvvvvvv tempted to get the 335 from the PI, it's such an awesome drive. But cannot lah, not that league yet, don't try so hard, later vomit blood and die. Plus this will be our 2nd...
  8. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Yah, I'm lian at heart. :cloud9: Like to blast music. So you support paying extra for sport seats lah? hor?
  9. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? I think (not sure ah, don't scold me hor Kenn Gor Gor :nehnehhh: that the standard coupe doesn't come with HIFI loudspeaker. I'm told have to pay extra for it leh. : (
  10. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? would you guys pay $4k extra for sport seats & sound system?
  11. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? YAH, i really miss the bmw magazine! :lol2:
  12. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Haiz... if you know anybody who's looking to sell their audi TT, lemme know please?!! For personal reasons, I just can't justify buying the TT at full price. :juggle:
  13. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Thread not just long, also turned from PG to R(18) at one stage!!! : ) Phwoar, read already also shy. Quickly click to go next page! Soooo... Finally decided to go to PML to get the 325. Sales person happy, I was relatively happy, husband was not so happy...
  14. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? IF ONLY skipping lunch could cover it!!! Tell me puhleeeeaaseeeee...... Must make rational economical decision. Otherwise must be good girl and get the 325.
  15. G

    Which PI can bring in 335i Coupe?

    Re: Which PI can bring in 335i Coupe? Hey ya, we're in the same boat! I'm torn between the 325 and 335 too. We should do collective bargaining! How did you get the 238.8k price from PML?
  16. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Hey guys, how much do you pay in road tax & insurance for the 335?
  17. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Thank you. I may accidentally drive by. :oops: Shy lah.
  18. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Both PML's 325 and PI's 335 don't have i-drive. Cannot afford PML's 335 with i-drive. So basically, cannot afford i-drive.
  19. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Right. As of this morning, it's 325 vs 335... Thanks for helping me to narrow it down to TWO cars guys. Now... it's whether I buy peace of mind with 325 or cheong with the 335. Now tempted by the i-drive thingy.... so many wants, so little money!!!!!
  20. G

    335 vs 325 vs Audi TT?

    Re: 335 vs 325 vs Audi TT? Kenn gor gor, thank you for your insight. Definitely food for thought. Can I ask you something else, how come COE/body value will not be considered after 5 years? Also, if I sell after 5 years, the car will likely fetch $40k+ less than PML model too right...
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