Search results

  1. H

    E36 manual for sale

    Re: E36 manual for sale Hi guys, Sad to announce that my 4yr luv story has come to an end.....sob! My beloved ride has found a new owner....the Jeromez fella!... So all of you who's requesting for mod tips, SAFC installation info, viewings etc can start bugging him for the details...
  2. H

    E36 manual for sale

    Re: E36 manual for sale Hi guys, thanxs for the interest. I have posted the ad on SGCARMART. you can view pics of the car here... BMW 316I (COE till 08/2011) Details - sgCarMart Also included in the ad is my asking price of S$19.9k or highest offer. thanxs
  3. H

    E36 manual for sale

    Re: E36 manual for sale Hi guys! ...the NEW X5?!!.....huh!....sorry man!, probably not in this life time and DEFINITELY not in this country! I'm back in town. I've done some research, and dealers are asking between $18 to $23k for a similar E36. So i suppose this will be the kind of price...
  4. H

    E36 manual for sale

    Re: E36 manual for sale Thanxs for all the interest guys! I'm in a middle of a project at the moment and pretty tied up. In fact, i'll be flying to the philipines tommorrow and will be away for 2 weeks. I will try to answer all your responses as best as i could but look/sees and test...
  5. H

    E36 manual for sale

    Hi guys, SOLD! Family is growing and with wife,grandma,maid and kids coming, i think i have been bitten by the dreaded....sigh!....MPV bug! This is no ordinary 1994 reg E36 318i M 4-door (COE 2011) 1 - Engine is 1996 M42 ( don't ask too many questions!) 2 - Completely converted to...
  6. H

    Original 15" rims with almost new tyres

    Re: Original 15" rims with almost new tyres Thanks..............item is SOLD!
  7. H

    E36 Angel eyes

    Re: E36 Angel eyes're a few hours slow la! just bought a set today! thanxs all for the leads cheers
  8. H

    E36 Angel eyes

    Re: E36 Angel eyes thnxs bro! any idea whats the damage?
  9. H

    E36 Angel eyes

    Hi pple, I'm doing a makeover for my E36. Need new lights as the old ones are quite faded. Anyone knows where i can pick up a set of "projector" lights with angel eyes in Singapore?...or better, anyone happen to have 1 lying around in the storeroom!?? There's loads in the US ebay...
  10. H

    Sach lowering springs for E36

    Re: Sach lowering springs for E36 hi all item is sold!....thanxs for the interest.
  11. H

    Original 15" rims with almost new tyres

    Re: Original 15" rims with almost new tyres Hey guys, don't miss this!.....i don't have space but its great to keep as a spare in case u need to sell your 3 series....Then you can auction off those expensive 18" Harmans or ACS.
  12. H

    E36 Bilstien Yellows for Sale

    Re: E36 Bilstien Yellows for Sale Hi, I have a set of SACH lowering springs (only) that will fit your 316. look at for my newly posted thread. cheers
  13. H

    Sach lowering springs for E36

    Hi guys, I have a set of original SACHS lowering springs for the E36. This will lower your ride by approx an inch at the front and half inch at the rear. i beleive it will fit all E36 316 and 318. Not sure about the 320s or other 6 cyls as its much heavier in front. I removed it from my...
  14. H

    318i E46 (2003) engine (N42)

    Re: 318i E46 (2003) engine (N42) Wah bro! This is worrying!....maybe you can share with us under what circumstances your engine blew? BMW is supposed to be one of the best engine makers and they shouldn't "blow" within 3 years!!! cheers
  15. H

    Original 15" rims with almost new tyres

    Selling this immaculate looking set of 4 original BMW 15' rims and tyres. This is the original set that came with the E46 3 series model. Tyres are 195/65/15 YOKOHAMA S306, Quiet, ecomical and less than a year old with 90% thread (see pix, i seldom drive this car as i have a company vehicle)...
  16. H

    AC RIMS 18 (USED Replica) Wif Goodyear F1

    Re: AC RIMS 18 (USED Replica) Wif Goodyear F1 hi, i'm interested, call me at 93800966 and we can close this quick. thanxs
  17. H

    Anyone letting go of e36?

    Re: Anyone letting go of e36? got a e36 316. mines a rare manual so its low on maintainence and great for the fuel prices now! Its a Nov 1994 car but COE was renewed till 8/2011. Will probably sell it for less than what the dealers would be asking. let me know if you're keen.
  18. H

    engine swaps

    hi all, anybody had any success swapping beemer engines? There seems to be very active communities in US and Europe for used and recon engines but couldn't find anybody who stocks beemer engines here. Anybody knows anywhere here or malaysia that i could get a m42 or m44 engine?