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Sach lowering springs for E36


Hi guys,

I have a set of original SACHS lowering springs for the E36. This will lower your ride by approx an inch at the front and half inch at the rear. i beleive it will fit all E36 316 and 318. Not sure about the 320s or other 6 cyls as its much heavier in front.

I removed it from my ride and install the original springs as just got married and the wife needs to drive the car too! U know how long a low front air-dam will last with a lady driver!!!

i'm looking at $100 bucks cash and carry. you can call me at 93800966 for a quick deal.

Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

Deal, will pick up from u on monday evening. :)
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

Just visted my mech. and was told the way I drive body kit sure gone in no time after car is lowered. So letting it go @ $100. Any takers ? Pls pm me.

cheers !
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

how long have they been used?
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

Halil told me he took it down for his car. Car bought from dealer. So he might not know how long it have been used. However, conditions looks ok to me for that price. Are u interested in it ? :)

FYI a set of eibach cost $430.
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

eibach and sach not the same thing......Drivers leaning more to the comfort ride should get this.
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

hi halil & jin teck,
how low does this lowering spring goes? gap between tyre to fender? how many fingers?
thx alot...
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

I compare the original and lowered is about 2"before installation. Actual distant not know as I have not fix the spring.
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

Hi, are these springs for the 4 potters or 6 potters?
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

hi, can fit a 320i coupe? is it advisable to change to it or not? thks.
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

The spring is different for the 4 pot (316,318) and 6 pot (320).
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

im using E36 325's abs in my E30, wondering if the spring can goes in... is urs E36 320 & above?
Re: Sach lowering springs for E36

No, spring is for 4 potter and have just sold the spring. Thanks.:)

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