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  1. magicman

    Defi Heads Up Display "HUD"

    Re: Defi Heads Up Display "HUD" Hi Tanzy & DoggieHowser, Thanx for your replies! Called up the S'pore Defi distributor, ST Powered. The guy who answered the call confirmed that they've installed the VSD HUD on E46 and E39s before. Any Beemer guys out there have one on your dasboard?
  2. magicman

    Defi Heads Up Display "HUD"

    Re: Defi Heads Up Display "HUD" Hi fellow Beemer Fans, I've been eyeing the Defi HUD system for quite a while. Anyone succeeded installing this on your Beemer? If so, please point me to the shop that did your installation. Thanks in advance!
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