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  1. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! hey hey...i oso buy on my own leh....:furious: but no doubt with support. :lol2: u're damn funny..... sure in Changi ma??? bluff........:nehnehhh:
  2. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! alright.... thanks alot tho' if there's any meetup prior to the 26th, can msn me ([email protected]) thanks & cheerios~!
  3. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! hey thanks...mayb i'll pop by on 26th if i can make it.
  4. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! think i better go do a test drive... slowly decide. dont wan regret aft buying. I already regretted buying my DC5
  5. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! nah.... initial D??? *faint* me #1 safety driver. slow & steady.
  6. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! true to certain extent..... but girls diff leh.... haha
  7. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! mayb i should go do a test drve for both cars ya? well i got serious prob. haha.... buy EVO.. too fierce for me buy BM... "hey u driving ur daddy's car huh?" me=problematic
  8. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Re: Hi Hi~!~! hey thanks for all the fast replies. ;) well, im intending to stay on for 5 yrs for my next car so i wish to make a wise decision b4 commiting. my current DC5 is IS(A) and i havent been doin any manual cars since i've passed out. so im v worried abt getting the EVO. so...
  9. C

    Hi Hi~!~!

    Hi, My name is Ste. My current ride is DC5. Thinking of changing car soon. Im contemplating btw a bimmer 325 or EVO9. It's a choice of performance VS luxury i guess. i dunno much abt bimmers juz kinda like the classy look & all. wonder if anyone can give some pointers? thanks~!:juggle:
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