Hi Hi~!~!

Re: Hi Hi~!~!

calvin said:
oh gosh.. finally i see ur post.. u kns MIA, quick quick alive n get some kopi !!! :yummie:
u remember which car of mine ? got trilogy u know... the past, the present, and the future.. :lol2:
Hahaha..yah, still alive. Swee..we go kopi when you're available! And I know your past and present car hor..future one I'm still trying to figure it out. :)
Re: Hi Hi~!~!

Ahbengdriver said:
Ah beng here :) BMW lah...aka...BENG MORE WEALTHY.....Altho I BENG, I drive no BENG-CAR.

Why even look at the EVO, so awful looking:whythis: , it will even spoil the image of a BENG like me, not to mention princess like u. Forget all the initial - D, when I was younger I also go NEED FOR SPEED type events. Then kena caught by TP n sat myself in Changi Prison for 1 month.

Wahh 325i :cloud9: U the can huh, how come I dont have lappay and laobu like u all one huh, all so lucky one. I coolie-ed my life to own my first 320i at age 50 ...:angry:

hey hey...i oso buy on my own leh....:furious: but no doubt with support. :lol2:
u're damn funny..... sure in Changi ma??? bluff........:nehnehhh: