116i Fuel Consumption

Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

My E60 OBC shows 10.7l/100km...now

4.5 years ago was 10.5l/100km...maybe new car not so thirsty huh...hee hee
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

Best FC is to buy over a petrol station
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

best of the best answer

after that, you wish all car is 1L/1km :lol:

MW;911586 said:
Best FC is to buy over a petrol station
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Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

wt_know;911589 said:
best of the best answer

after that, you wish all car is 1L/1km :lol:

In this case, i suppose MW should also be owning few oil fields other that the petrol station that he GB with us
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

I get about 12km/l , mostly comfort. 40% urban/ 60% highway. Eco when stuck in a jam with nowhere to go. For highway driving, you get about 16-17km/l and city, 8-9 km/l.

Way better than my MCS that used to do 10.5km/l on the same routes.
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

So, what comes after knowing your car's fuel consumption and how it compares with others'?
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

brian_tay;910933 said:
Can I ask what is your average fuel consumption for your 116i? I got my car for a week now and checked that my average fuel consumption is only about 10km/l (from the car computer). Seems like a far fetch from the sales brochure which says about 17.6km/l.

So wondering if what I'm clocking is normal (the brochure is too aggressive), or am I just too heavy footed...


I believe you chose 116 initially because it's a bimmer with low cost maintenance. Low fuel cost, low road tax, low insurance etc.

Firstly, you must throw the brochure out of the window! Half of what is printed is either you do not have it or must pay for it. Especially true for bimmer.

Next, must ask where the test conducted to get 17km/l FC. Germany, where the weather is cool and ideal for engine or wat? Highways in Germany not like CTE or PIE. Zoom zoom all the way.

End of the day, why bother with so much stress after paying so much $ for bimmer?
Enjoy the ride and forget about FC! Then you will know exactly wat you are paying for!
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

FC is highly dependent on your driving pattern, speed and traffic condition.

On f10, if I drive like I do daily, I get 8.7km/L @70% highway.

If I drive 20km/hr slower, I can get 9.6km/L.

If I do pure city driving...1L can get 6km is already smile big big already. No,my rev don't exceed 3000.

So you see, same car same load also can vary a lot.
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

Thanks all for your comments!

Somehow agree that buying a bimmer, i should not be paying attention to the FC, just enjoy the ride... haha. But a bit hard leh... has been a habit to see how much the car drank...

I wish to ask another question to all... do i need to pump 98 for this car (stock), or 95 is sufficient? I know the user manual says 95 is enuff, but just wish to get all the expert's opinion in this forum. :)
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

Shev;912008 said:
I believe you chose 116 initially because it's a bimmer with low cost maintenance. Low fuel cost, low road tax, low insurance etc.

Firstly, you must throw the brochure out of the window! Half of what is printed is either you do not have it or must pay for it. Especially true for bimmer.

Next, must ask where the test conducted to get 17km/l FC. Germany, where the weather is cool and ideal for engine or wat? Highways in Germany not like CTE or PIE. Zoom zoom all the way.

End of the day, why bother with so much stress after paying so much $ for bimmer?
Enjoy the ride and forget about FC! Then you will know exactly wat you are paying for!

You are so right... I was especially impressed with the 17km/L FC... :bullshit:
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

brian_tay;912244 said:
You are so right... I was especially impressed with the 17km/L FC... :bullshit:

You can achieve 17, provided you drive fast enough and car is floating on air.
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

U drive like guniang sure can... i can hit 10km/l on my 523i... sure you can hit 13-14 on a small 1.6l engine. just keep revs under 2k. but if i see you on expressway right lanes i will fug you upsidedown
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

MapleLeaf;912264 said:
You can achieve 17, provided you drive fast enough and car is floating on air.
Change to tyre with poor grip. Definitely can achieve 17.

brian_tay;912240 said:
Thanks all for your comments!

Somehow agree that buying a bimmer, i should not be paying attention to the FC, just enjoy the ride... haha. But a bit hard leh... has been a habit to see how much the car drank...

I wish to ask another question to all... do i need to pump 98 for this car (stock), or 95 is sufficient? I know the user manual says 95 is enuff, but just wish to get all the expert's opinion in this forum. :)
What is the diff for a full tank of 95 & 98? I m driving 1.8L Toyota now & still pump 98.

Somehow, i feel u bought the wrong car.
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

detach8;912266 said:
U drive like guniang sure can... i can hit 10km/l on my 523i... sure you can hit 13-14 on a small 1.6l engine. just keep revs under 2k. but if i see you on expressway right lanes i will fug you upsidedown

Hahaha, yes. I personally find it hard to keep below 2k... feels like not moving and more importantly what's the point of driving a Bimmer. :p
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

detach8;912266 said:
U drive like guniang sure can... i can hit 10km/l on my 523i... sure you can hit 13-14 on a small 1.6l engine. just keep revs under 2k. but if i see you on expressway right lanes i will fug you upsidedown

Aiyooo.... graciousness....
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

Fair mah, if I guniang-ing away I will keep left... nowadays actually it's the damn taxi that's going at 80kph on the right most lane, damn annoying.
Re: 116i Fuel Consumption

=) whether 98/95/92, Fc lower, pump petrol only during cool temperatures. as long as it's a happy event for you, it's fine to continue. =P

Like the new commercial about the guy changing his own tyre in his chauffeured Bentley, as long as he enjoys it and feels damn important and power just by doing that =)

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