Here's a number of photos i took during yesterday's ADT.
It was great fun to be able to basically be a hooligan with the new E90 330i. Those are some great cars to drive.
Was it worth the $500? Like amost everyone else says, "YES!"
The only drawbacks were having to wake up really early in the morning
I'll do a writeup soon enough.
But for now, the many many photos!!!
(Have to wake up and leave the house earmy morn... what a drag)
Bedok -> Raffles Marina in Tuas...
Breakfast was provided (not that great though). & Boarding the bus to ride up (quite comfy)
Nice fleet of cars with brand new tyres for us to "use"
Instructor dude...
Lecture first... quite fast and not too boring...
Pocket billards
Rule #4 was don't wreck the car
Soapy water for emergency braking
Lined up for brake+swerve
Off to the track at a nice slow pace
It was great fun to be able to basically be a hooligan with the new E90 330i. Those are some great cars to drive.
Was it worth the $500? Like amost everyone else says, "YES!"
The only drawbacks were having to wake up really early in the morning
I'll do a writeup soon enough.
But for now, the many many photos!!!
(Have to wake up and leave the house earmy morn... what a drag)
Bedok -> Raffles Marina in Tuas...
Breakfast was provided (not that great though). & Boarding the bus to ride up (quite comfy)
Nice fleet of cars with brand new tyres for us to "use"
Instructor dude...
Lecture first... quite fast and not too boring...
Pocket billards
Rule #4 was don't wreck the car
Soapy water for emergency braking
Lined up for brake+swerve
Off to the track at a nice slow pace