~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

fiercepink;350892 said:
All put names down if going. I can imagine alvin pulling his hair out. not easy to organise such things...

My brain also damaged.

Babe, get your liver checked as well...

Dun think got that many ppl going la...looking at the amount of post/reply...anyway 6 bottles 19 paxs go..sure fight one..haha..very fast finish one...end up will be paying much more oso...lol

Jas u no good la..why no one ever ask me to check my liver one...Normally they only ask how cook is your liver and/or how many livers u have ah....haiz....
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Bmer;350902 said:
Dun think got that many ppl going la...looking at the amount of post/reply...anyway 6 bottles 19 paxs go..sure fight one..haha..very fast finish one...end up will be paying much more oso...lol

Jas u no good la..why no one ever ask me to check my liver one...Normally they only ask how cook is your liver and/or how many livers u have ah....haiz....

I think just the few of us... As for bottles... er... STAY AWAY FROM ME!

Ben, you mean you still have your liver intact?
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Bmer;350902 said:
Dun think got that many ppl going la...looking at the amount of post/reply...anyway 6 bottles 19 paxs go..sure fight one..haha..very fast finish one...end up will be paying much more oso...lol

Jas u no good la..why no one ever ask me to check my liver one...Normally they only ask how cook is your liver and/or how many livers u have ah....haiz....

Bro...alot of ppl dnt post but will still go one (like me :) )...so dnt worry of the turnout....for those who drink alot buy own bottles if not enff loh....so u gg or not? nv hear u sing b4...

we sure u can buy new liver so no need to ask.....:oops:
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

his liver should be quite tasty.. with so many alcohol marinating it... *Yum Yum* :D:D:D
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

so far we have... babe, ben, judd, me, i presume Ken coming... judd just drag him along... we go kidnap Bobby... Ahh enough for a good night's out.

ben will buy his own bottle so we don't have to worry!!!
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

fiercepink;350908 said:
I think just the few of us... As for bottles... er... STAY AWAY FROM ME!

Ben, you mean you still have your liver intact?

why u still sick ah...come come i sayang u....:) ...as for my liver..hmm..i hope so..

heyjudd;350911 said:
Bro...alot of ppl dnt post but will still go one (like me :) )...so dnt worry of the turnout....for those who drink alot buy own bottles if not enff loh....so u gg or not? nv hear u sing b4...

we sure u can buy new liver so no need to ask.....:oops:

hey gal u pop out from nowhere very scary lei..hehe..i dun drink a lot so no need to buy bottles la...better dun hear me sing...later make u puke..lol...faster go kidnap botay

babe;350912 said:
his liver should be quite tasty.. with so many alcohol marinating it... *Yum Yum* :D:D:D

To bad, u got bf liao...if not can consider let u try...lol...:lol2: :lol2: pardon me...:laughlik:

fiercepink;350913 said:
so far we have... babe, ben, judd, me, i presume Ken coming... judd just drag him along... we go kidnap Bobby... Ahh enough for a good night's out.

ben will buy his own bottle so we don't have to worry!!!

jas...at first i thought 50 free flow that's why i interested one...anyway dun drink so much la..bad for health...be like me quit drinking....:)

Judd come hor...adsnx will come oso...one more kaki..can sing can drink can entertain..whatever u can think he can do...best of all..free one...:lol2:
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

i dont mind not booking the whole level la... we can just hang out together... anyway, DK, one of the old forumer is joining as well.. just sms him and he said ok..

Kenn, Ben, Michelle, Judy and Jas, all confirm? den just add your name up, if never hit the required number of pax, i just book a table or 2 lor... simple....
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Bmer;350923 said:
hey gal u pop out from nowhere very scary lei..hehe..i dun drink a lot so no need to buy bottles la...better dun hear me sing...later make u puke..lol...faster go kidnap botay

Bro...how to kidnap botay? this guy double of me lei...and I heard he go gym nowadays...ltr I'm the one kana kidnap....

Judd come hor...adsnx will come oso...one more kaki..can sing can drink can entertain..whatever u can think he can do...best of all..free one...:lol2:

me not mamasan loh....wat make u think ppl will come.....got no gals to intro to them also...so u comming or not...talk so much then nv come ....:screwedu:
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

where is adnsx? now got who? me babe and judd... all girls???
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

fiercepink;351054 said:
where is adnsx? now got who? me babe and judd... all girls???

WUHU~!!! I AM A LUCKY GUY!!! :nehnehhh: :nehnehhh: :nehnehhh:

guys~ just add name up ok? for the gals, i will add for you~ haha~ tentative for everyone for now alright girls??
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Date : 4th July 2008 (Friday)

Time : 9pm onwards til late

Venue : JAB1 @ Circular Road

Hi guys, its been a long time since I organise any outing. FP is not planning to organise anymore KTV outings, therefore I am doing the organising now. I have heard some feedbacks from other forumers about holding it at Jab1, but as I am working there, I am organising it there. As for expenditure, if I am not wrong, that night on our last KTV outing, we spent about $950 (with some change) for 4 bottles of Martell and 2 bottles of Chivas excluding some beers which was on seperate bills.

Just hope that I can have a good turnout this round, if turnout cannot have at least 19 to 20 pax, then I will cancel this session because I am looking at per person maximum of paying about $50.

1. morphisis (working there so confirm there that night.. :nehnehhh: )
2. fiercepink
3. babe
4. judd
5. DK
6. Jian Ming (morphisis's friend)

Currently all tentative 1st due to getting headcount.. :)
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Alvin, can we just get a small room? Else we end up splitting the hall with some strangers.....
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

kenntona;351081 said:
Alvin, can we just get a small room? Else we end up splitting the hall with some strangers.....

Hmmm... actually that nite, we have the whole level 3 to ourselves, its just that after some left, and was asked if we could let go of the tables.. but we can actually keep the whole room for ourselves til the pub close... the amount we spent of $930+ (actually $1k) is actually for the whole 3rd floor for the WHOLE NITE.. hehe~

if that is the issue, i will just keep the whole level 3 for us without strangers or anyone else coming in except for waitress and myself....
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

u say wanna intro your japanese waitress to us.. ?!
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Roasty;351089 said:
u say wanna intro your japanese waitress to us.. ?!

was told tat Mayo still having her exams, will only be back after...

dont lydat la.. u guys were so self entertained until i also cant handle liao.. haha...
so Roasty, will you join this time? but dont get too drunk again... you are giving BoTay a chance to jack you again.... (please refer to pictures from last ktv session :lol2: :lol2: )
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Roasty;351089 said:
u say wanna intro your japanese waitress to us.. ?!

morphisis;351091 said:
...so Roasty, will you join this time?...

Intro lau ban niang Des to Roasty. He told me he likes. Kekekeke....
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Alvin...just book sar lau la...hehe...just just the few name mention can finish the drinks liao...when botay see this...he sure come one...but not sure whether he will go to the right one a not la....:lol2: :lol2:
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

Breyton;351120 said:
Intro lau ban niang Des to Roasty. He told me he likes. Kekekeke....

Hahaha.. Desiree?? hahahahaha~~!!! okok!!!

Bmer;351130 said:
Alvin...just book sar lau la...hehe...just just the few name mention can finish the drinks liao...when botay see this...he sure come one...but not sure whether he will go to the right one a not la....:lol2: :lol2:

Which Sar Lau you talking about wor... the only level 3 i know is Jab1's level 3... where is the other?
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

ya la..i referin to your sar lau la...as for the other one ah..u must ask botay liao..hehe...
Re: ~4th July 2008 Friday's KTV session~

BoTay, what is the other Sar Lau, can you pm me and tell me?? Curious~~

Ben, faster put your name up ley~ without you, its not fun liao~ just dont ask me drink can already~ there will be other targets for you on that nite~ same goes to you michelle sis~ shameless will be there~~ hahahahahaha

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