A Qn on Speed Cameras

Was asked this by someone: Do the older generation speed cams (like the 1 along the CTE @ Braddell exit) snap the car's front or rear?

Does anyone know? :confused:
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

valvetronic;183513 said:
Was asked this by someone: Do the older generation speed cams (like the 1 along the CTE @ Braddell exit) snap the car's front or rear?

Does anyone know? :confused:

100% guarantee plus chop rear... seen those thing flash before :evil:
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

yup, no doubt its from the rear. in fact i think all these does from the rear, incl those on PIE, AYE, Yishun, etc. but if not wrong, its only 1-sided, i.e. it rotates 180 deg once a while. so it could miss u if you are lucky.
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

if it snaps from the rear at that height, then as long as there's a car behind you, your number plate will be obscured right?
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

not sure about that... how about you give it a try and let us know how it turns out?? haha!
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

lol... anyway heard sometimes the cameras are shut off....it costs a lot of $ to mantain and operate them 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. insider tip off
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

Cannot be from front as with flash, that will be dangerous for drivers.
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

yes but gentle reminder...new generation (handheld/bridge) cams will get you either way...racebred shared this on another thread
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

usuallly its only on during late night when theres very little cars.....
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

hmm... terry remember when u me steven tofu and stuff ran the red light together and all of us got flashed? we were close enough together that none of us had our licence plates were showing...
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

just wondering also if there's a possibility that you'd be gunned mistakenly when it's the car next to/in front/behind you that sped.

in another case, a friend of mine claimed he caught sight of a flash in his rear view mirror just after he passed some bridge late at night...but he was only travelling 5 to 10 km/h over the speed limit...he was the only car on the road at that time so not possible that it was other cars...any idea what it could be?
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

actually for some of the older cams, u can roughly tell if the lens is tuned at you in broad daylight. if it is, then you can speed w/o being caught on that camera cos its focusing on the other side of the road.
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

On CTE, camera cannot capture lanes 2 and 3. Only lane 1 (most right).

Not saying you should try, just my personal observation only.
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

what is the safest amount you can exceed the speed camera limit by ?
i notice taxis travel at more than 60 kmh at the botanical gardens speed camera....they not afraid to get caught ?
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

i would say 15km/h max
Re: A Qn on Speed Cameras

Azarael;183871 said:
what is the safest amount you can exceed the speed camera limit by ?
i notice taxis travel at more than 60 kmh at the botanical gardens speed camera....they not afraid to get caught ?

erm, speed limit along that stretch has been raised to 70km/h :whythis:

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