A stationary M5

Re: A stationary M5

Pak, there's a couple of M6 coming in soon!!!! neighbor just ordered one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wot u want me to do ?.........U OTed:whipper: :slaphead:
Re: A stationary M5

I saw that black "M5"as well, it sounds like a bat with its balls on fire when the driver sped off at the lights. The exhaust sound is very convincing, but then again, no smg...equals not M5. End of story.

I've already seen 4 black "M5s" in Sunny Island Singapore. It's ok to have the entire kit and exhaust system..but then to put on the M5 badge, it's just plain wrong.
Re: A stationary M5

JESMAL said:
It's ok to have the entire kit and exhaust system..but then to put on the M5 badge, it's just plain wrong.
I fully support your stand. I'm sure they can find better use for their $$$ like some other decent mods.
Re: A stationary M5

Wow, do many replies. Didn't know that there isn't a black MmMmM beauty on our road yet. Ah but I guess the owner of the non M5 liked an M5 very much, but at that kind of crazeee price for a real deal, I think I'll probably did what most MmMmM dreamers would do. too :D
Re: A stationary M5


tt's a M5-lookalike...not the real deal...
Re: A stationary M5

nuts said:
Ah but I guess the owner of the non M5 liked an M5 very much, but at that kind of crazeee price for a real deal, I think I'll probably did what most MmMmM dreamers would do. too :D

Do whatever you like, it's your car anyway. There's absolutely nothing wrong with kitting a Bimmer to look like an M-series, but placing M5 emblems all over a non-M car is plain wrong, and I repeat again...'plain wrong'.

Kits are fine, but posing is just plain silly. Bimmers ain't cheap cars, they are cars with personality. Having one speaks a fair bit about the owner. But getting laughed at for posing after spending heaps on the car+kit+mods just ain't worth it.

Well, that's just my take anyway. You know what they say about 'opinions'....
Re: A stationary M5

Mockngbrd said:
according to Tiff Needell on 5Th Gear , its sounds almost like a diesel when stationary :p

It does...pretty pathetic.

But it more than makes up for it when it is gunned :)
Re: A stationary M5

Saw a silver "M5" this morning SFB33xxP.... had the grills, quad exhausts and the M5 badge. Also had a "slimline" type plate where all the letters are like squash... similar to Arial Thin or something.... went to the office, saw it was a 520i... sad. Are there any M5s in SG that are silver?

I saw a REAL M5 once, blue coloured one that powered his way onto the AYE. Licensed as SDT 3X P. That was simply awe-inspiring.
Re: A stationary M5

tsentsan said:
Saw a silver "M5" this morning SFB33xxP.... had the grills, quad exhausts and the M5 badge. Also had a "slimline" type plate where all the letters are like squash... similar to Arial Thin or something.... went to the office, saw it was a 520i... sad. Are there any M5s in SG that are silver?

I saw a REAL M5 once, blue coloured one that powered his way onto the AYE. Licensed as SDT 3X P. That was simply awe-inspiring.

Saw this on Monday night at Conrad Hotel, a Malaysian registered real M5.
Re: A stationary M5

TripleM said:
Saw this on Monday night at Conrad Hotel, a Malaysian registered real M5.

Conrad Hotel seems to have a lot of beautiful cars parked in the driveway. Remember seeing a few Ferraris and Lambos parked there.
Re: A stationary M5

Derrick_ said:
side track abit, saw a aston DB9 today, car no. plate EK*A.. Beautiful, awesome :)
There is always one parked at the Citibank Capital Square (street level) - plate number *DB9*. Beautiful plate for a beautiful car.
Re: A stationary M5

I saw a M5 at PSA car park yesterday. Think it's the real thing. It was blue in colour. it had the SMG etc. didnt check the road tax coz i got so excited juz drooling over it that i forgot to do so. Number plate was S**38* Beautiful!
Re: A stationary M5

jooggie said:
I saw a M5 at PSA car park yesterday. Think it's the real thing. It was blue in colour. it had the SMG etc. didnt check the road tax coz i got so excited juz drooling over it that i forgot to do so. Number plate was S**38* Beautiful!

It is an M5 if its S*T38P.
Re: A stationary M5

Yes, that's the car, i remember the number plate had a T. had a baby car seat strapped behind too.

I'm a bit embarrassed to say that i must have stood there a gd 5mins juz gawking and admiring this magnificant car. gd thing the car park was quite empty then...
Re: A stationary M5

i saw a 5 will full M kit with side grille and M5 badge,..but only 2 exhaust... what a joke.. and my 5 sounds 10times louder than his... :lol2:
Re: A stationary M5

xxterxx said:
i saw a 5 will full M kit with side grille and M5 badge,..but only 2 exhaust... what a joke.. and my 5 sounds 10times louder than his... :lol2:

Well, there are also YAM3s running around, 1 man's meat is another man's poison! :)
Re: A stationary M5

tsentsan said:
It is an M5 if its S*T38P.

Tailed it all the way from Havelock to Braddell exit on CTE yesterday.......BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

Le Mans Blue izzit?

I thought this one is PML car?

I must say it looks really understated, sleeper and all................But we all know not to F*%K with it lah......kekeke!

Doesn't sound loud at all too......


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