Re: Advice Need on 3rd Party Claims in Chain Collision
Isn't yr case same as TS, his NCD is intact tho he doesn't have NCD protector. It's the claim and the additional loading that he's unhappy about. When you said you called both ins co about not accepting any liability, did they actually agreed to it? Did your premium went up the next renewal? Frankly, if this bola thingy is the new standard or
practice in place for chain collision, does a "in-car cam" makes any differences?
Vincent Ng;1063675 said:I was involved in something similar not too long ago. I was the third car in a chain collision involving 5 cars, and the reason why I hit the car in front is because of the huge impact from the last 2 cars when they hit me (because of this the damage on my front is minimal, just a dented car plate that's all). So anyway, my insurance company claimed the guy behind and I believe the guy in front claimed for a new rear bumper from my insurance company. While waiting for the insurance companies to process the claims, I called up both my insurance company and the driver of the car in front to explain that I will not accept any liability on my part. NCD was left intact at 50% upon renewal (and no NCD protector btw). No lawyers nor video evidence required (didn't have have in-car cam back then). Maybe I was just lucky
Isn't yr case same as TS, his NCD is intact tho he doesn't have NCD protector. It's the claim and the additional loading that he's unhappy about. When you said you called both ins co about not accepting any liability, did they actually agreed to it? Did your premium went up the next renewal? Frankly, if this bola thingy is the new standard or
practice in place for chain collision, does a "in-car cam" makes any differences?