Air flow sensor bypass


Well-Known Member
Just had the device fitted onto my 01 E46 320. Can feel the response is better aspecially in the hot afternoon. That device is tap to the wire from the air flow sensor leading towards the computer, sending signal that the air going into the engine is cold. The feeling is much like driving in the cold weather when you feel that the engine is more powerful. Order from Ebay and only cost US$14, I guess that pretty worth while. They claim to have UP TO 25HP gain, I think that's way over claim. Thro the drive is great hope that there will not be anything wrong after prolong usage.
Re: Air flow sensor bypass

NickyPower said:
Just had the device fitted onto my 01 E46 320. Can feel the response is better aspecially in the hot afternoon. That device is tap to the wire from the air flow sensor leading towards the computer, sending signal that the air going into the engine is cold. The feeling is much like driving in the cold weather when you feel that the engine is more powerful. Order from Ebay and only cost US$14, I guess that pretty worth while. They claim to have UP TO 25HP gain, I think that's way over claim. Thro the drive is great hope that there will not be anything wrong after prolong usage.

hmmmm.... seems interesting. where did u get it installed???
Re: Air flow sensor bypass

When the Air flow sensor bypass is fixed, won't it be feeding the ecu with false information, thus making the engine more prone to overheating?? Its like the flow of air is not really that much and the engine is running harder then it should... Hope u can give feedback after some period of usage yar?
Re: Air flow sensor bypass

Snowman: I got it from the Ebay which is shipped from U.S, you can do a search in the Ebay for BMW then go to the "computer, chip & curise control" section u will see it. It's easy to install, I did it myself

Xuexun: I tht of that b4 about the overheating part but I think again it should not cos Temp sensor bypass is not done on the engine cooling system. From what I understand, it send cool air signal to the computer and it will send out the right amout of fuel to the engine. If the bypass is done on giving false signal on the amount of air flow, I think that's bad may cause improper combustion.

Touch wood till now everything seem to be fine...... :)
Oh I have never seen water come out from my exhaust tip, after the device first time I seen that. I guess the combustion is good...
Let me monitor for sometime then give more feedback
Re: Air flow sensor bypass

Guess it's the intake air temp sensor that is bypassed. Well, you could gain some horses by fooling the ECU to believe the air temp is lower and to enrich the fuel mixture. In the long run, it's bad for your cat, oxygen sensor and could accelerate cylinder bore wear as there will be more 'wash' from the over-rich mixture....remember as the engine heats up, a leaner mixture is required.
Re: Air flow sensor bypass

GTV6 said:
Guess it's the intake air temp sensor that is bypassed. Well, you could gain some horses by fooling the ECU to believe the air temp is lower and to enrich the fuel mixture. In the long run, it's bad for your cat, oxygen sensor and could accelerate cylinder bore wear as there will be more 'wash' from the over-rich mixture....remember as the engine heats up, a leaner mixture is required.

Those stuff pointed out by u sound logic maybe the cylinder bore wear take place after many many KM later by the time car is old enough to go retirement liao. I think back if there is over-rich mixture the combustion should be pretty screwed, but everyday my exhaust tip went "wet wet" and water dripping when my car at idle. That show that the combustion is clean and good correct me if I m wrong..
Re: Air flow sensor bypass

Certainly, by the rate we are scrapping our cars accelerated wear may not be a problem.

Surely your refering to the morning runs when you experienced 'wet' exhaust tip. This is perfectly normal. Once the engine warms up to normal operating temp, the 'water vapour' at the exhaust will disappear...remember the byproducts of combustion are water and carbon dioxide(if the combustion is complete).

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