An open letter to LKY - Wah


Well-Known Member
This 'write-up' is either out-right disrespectful or the younger generation is just too fed-up with how things are going or it is just a norm from the strawberry generation who 'speak' w/o seeing the bigger picture?

Although I do not support everything he has done, IMO, it is out-right disrespectful.

Admin, if u think this post is not appropriate, please go ahead and close it. Thanks.

Article Link: An open letter to LKY: perspectives of a 20 year-old | Chinaporean

Article itself:

Dear LKY,

October seems to be the month where your loved ones are taken away from you. Your father passed away 16 years ago while your wife went to hell more than three years ago this week. Shortly after, Chee Soon Juan wrote to you an open letter in the hope that you finally realise the pain you have brought to others and that this pain of losing a loved one is finally something you get to experience on your own.

In and between then, we have seen a watershed election which gave Singapore a political awakening which has led to the beginning of the end of your party. Interestingly, this new level of liberty has seen many people disagree with your iron-fisted policies. Recently, your way of dealing with your opponents though lawsuits have been questioned at a forum. More than just a trait unique to you, this has resulted in many people whose innocent lives were otherwise ruined.

It is in my view that people like Tang Liang Hong did nothing to deserve an $8.075 million penalty for alleged defamation. This is a case where the quantum involved is one of the highest in the world and would have been decided differently elsewhere. As early as 1964, the US courts have decided in New York Times vs. Sullivan that politicians have a higher burden of proof in defamation suits since they have access to the media to rebut allegations against them.

Another issue which has been brought into the picture is your choosing of political successors. Even in the Shit Times, the media has admitted that you have chosen to deter your enemies from politics so much so that you can pave a smooth transition for the people you choose as successors. Indeed, they have gone on to say that it might not work as well today.

It bemuses me that you can actually say that you are going to get up from your grave if you sense that something is wrong when there are so many jokers in the current cabinet. Separately, you have even gone on to justify million dollar salaries, not understanding the essence of politics and accountably to the electorate. Even China’s new prime minister Li Keqiang said that “since [they] have chosen public office [they] should give up all thought of making money [and ] will accept the supervision of the whole public and the media.”

I may be some 70 years younger than you, but I would like to say that your old-school mind of thinking clearly has no place in today’s world and we have politically awakened. You have chosen to make offensive comments to both the malay community as well as to tell citizens in an otherwise democratic country to “repent” for their choice. As the political conditions change, we have seen that you are increasingly irrelevant and you are no longer great person you once stood for.

Empirically, the whole of the Asian region has seen tremendous growth since the 1960s and the success of our country cannot be solely attributed to you. What you have done is to oppress men who love their country and disagree with you. Should you choose to kick the bucket anytime soon, I promise to file a lawsuit to deny you a state funeral under the principle that it is unconscionable.

Till then, old man!

Joseph Kheng-Liang Tan
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

This letter lacks 70 years of experience. I suggest the writer reads it 70 years later.

Shallow and undeserving. I am sorry but this country is still a great place and a great nation and had a great start with the right people.

Am I getting old? =)
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

Holey heck.... If this (the 20 year author) is Singapore's future..... I am seriously worried for our future. Fcuking uncouth yob.
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Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

he was definitely very emotional when he wrote this article.... haiz......
An open letter to LKY - Wah

vegadonovan;1039737 said:
This letter lacks 70 years of experience. I suggest the writer reads it 70 years later.

Shallow and undeserving. I am sorry but this country is still a great place and a great nation and had a great start with the right people.

Am I getting old? =)

Provided he gets to live that long. With attitude like that.. I would be surprise that he makes it to 90 yrs old without anyone trying to push him down a flight of stairs.

Ungrateful kid should know that he would not even have a chance to write this article of not for who he is calling "old man".
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

I only read first two para.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

I hope he goes to jail for this. He does not understand that Singapore is just an island smaller than Batam and without any natural resources.

SG govt did an amazing job on this country!
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

"Going to jail", "lawsuit against his family" - these are the very things that he was writing about (albeit in his rude, uncultured manner), and he would only be proven right (not that we care).

I don't question his contents: we all know that, just as all that glitters is not gold, then all that is the PAP under LKY is not white (gerrymandering, GRCs, "jumbo jet of talent" etc)- but I disagree with the manner in which the young man chose to put his views across.

There are better, more civilized ways to disagree. Being disrespectful is definitely NOT one of them.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

What content? All his points were brought up and debated before. None are original. Just dug them out to use as an excuse to bash LKY. Not a very good writer either. Reading him almost put me back to sleep.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

wobbles;1039784 said:
"Going to jail", "lawsuit against his family" - these are the very things that he was writing about (albeit in his rude, uncultured manner), and he would only be proven right (not that we care).

I don't question his contents: we all know that, just as all that glitters is not gold, then all that is the PAP under LKY is not white (gerrymandering, GRCs, "jumbo jet of talent" etc)- but I disagree with the manner in which the young man chose to put his views across.

There are better, more civilized ways to disagree. Being disrespectful is definitely NOT one of them.
Precisely my point, he is outright disrespectful period because I do not believe the younger generation are that bad.
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Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

I believe he was pissed cos he kenna summon at some URA carpark by Fatimah.

Coming from this keyboard warrior who frequently scribes and laments about potholes (and other holes), I feel that this article is utterly horrible and totally uncalled for. If one is unhappy with the system, he/she should contest the status quo based on the facts of the matter and hold an intellectual debate on the issue. Such personal attacks, and language, only reflect the state of mind of the person.
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Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

He being rude that is apparent. And I don't see any substance other than a series of whining as well.

Curious about what would trigger a 20 year old to think like this. Most 20 year olds are more concerned about studies or getting some fun.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

We are taking it on face value that he is:

a. who he say he is
b. actually 20 years old
c. feelings the way he does

Remember, folks, one does not get one's PhD or BSc from the www, wiki or google.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

Littlered;1039788 said:
What content? All his points were brought up and debated before. None are original. Just dug them out to use as an excuse to bash LKY. Not a very good writer either. Reading him almost put me back to sleep.

Well, just because his points have been previously "brought up & debated" does not mean he has invalid points/grouses/concerns/complaints. Having differing points of view does not equate bashing anyone. It's the way he chose to put his grouses forward that turns the majority of us off. This is simply not on.

Rightly or wrongly, whether or not you adore LKY or simply hate him, NO ONE can deny that Singapore wouldn't be what she is today, where she is today, without his vision, foresight and leadership. For an alleged 20 year old to write what he/she did - even if it was meant to be "tongue in cheek" (which was a nuance entirely lost to me from the 1st and subsequent readings) - smacks of an ill-cultured recidivist.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

Red_Bean_Bun;1039799 said:
He being rude that is apparent. And I don't see any substance other than a series of whining as well.

Curious about what would trigger a 20 year old to think like this. Most 20 year olds are more concerned about studies or getting some fun.

wobbles;1039806 said:
Well, just because his points have been previously "brought up & debated" does not mean he has invalid points/grouses/concerns/complaints. Having differing points of view does not equate bashing anyone. It's the way he chose to put his grouses forward that turns the majority of us off. This is simply not on.

Rightly or wrongly, whether or not you adore LKY or simply hate him, NO ONE can deny that Singapore wouldn't be what she is today, where she is today, without his vision, foresight and leadership. For an alleged 20 year old to write what he/she did - even if it was meant to be "tongue in cheek" (which was a nuance entirely lost to me from the 1st and subsequent readings) - smacks of an ill-cultured recidivist.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

I am sure it is a ghost writer. Who will leave their real name behind knowing shit will follow closely behind?

I do not agree with this writer but points concerning high salaries and unsuitable people serving the electorate may be valid.
Re: An open letter to LKY - Wah

What are we teaching our kids?

Respecting elders and be thankful is not longer fashionable?

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