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Angel Eyes for E30, M3 mirror & pedals & more!


1) A pair of used angel eyes for E30 for sale. Awesome L@@K, one and only in SG, not even available worldwide! No protude cover as seen in other countries, it's retains the original look! It run on LED bright white. It's plug & play, u just need to wire up to a switch. Condition is superb, selling @$800 neg.

2) A pair of new unpaint unmounted M3 style electric side mirrors @$200

3) New unmounted M3 sport pedal replica @$65

4) 3 pc of used orig BBS centre cap for 14" @$30
5) E30 1.6i instrument cluster @$100

Welcome to offer me your price but no ridicious price.
If buy more than 1 item, I can lower my price.
PM me if you are keen.
Re: Used Angel Eyes for E30 Awesone one-and-only

ferrariGTR said:
A pair of used angel eyes for E30 for sale. Awesome L@@K, one and only in SG, not even available worldwide! No protude cover as seen in other countries, it's retains the original look! Condition is superb, selling @$800 neg.

PM me if you are keen.

This is way cool Brahhh!!!!
Re: Used Angel Eyes for E30 Awesone one-and-only

Thks bro. Lots of hard work involve :verysad: but the result is definitely worth it :dance: want to sell coz' had scrap my BM liao :(

Wayansurfer said:
This is way cool Brahhh!!!!
hi FerrariGTR, is thr other accessories tt u may have for your E30 tt u can let go as my ride's an e30 too. Call me 91807303. Thks.
i still got a working complete meter guage, condition very good. it u want both i can give u good price ;)

PurpleBoy said:
hi FerrariGTR, is thr other accessories tt u may have for your E30 tt u can let go as my ride's an e30 too. Call me 91807303. Thks.
ferrariGTR said:
i still got a working complete meter guage, condition very good. it u want both i can give u good price ;)

Wat sort of meter gauges? Got any pix? :) Not refering to the instrument cluster i hope cuz i got 2 set liao...haha.
But i'm looking for rims... u have any or know any1 who might have the original 14" BBS rims? Cheers :thumbsup:
yes it's instrument cluster, sorry if i mislead :oops:
aiya, my BBS goes along to scrap yard :( but i still hv 3 pc of the orig centre cap, u wan?

i got a pair of unpaint unmounted M3 style side mirrors

got new unmounted M3 sport pedal

u still keen in the angel eyes? can neg la :dance: definitely awesome, dun miss this opportunity :)

PurpleBoy said:
ferrariGTR said:
i still got a working complete meter guage, condition very good. it u want both i can give u good price ;)

Wat sort of meter gauges? Got any pix? :) Not refering to the instrument cluster i hope cuz i got 2 set liao...haha.
But i'm looking for rims... u have any or know any1 who might have the original 14" BBS rims? Cheers :thumbsup:
I'm keen on your m3 mirrors and pedals. Call me to discuss, i can consider your angel eyes though. thx
sorry OT: wah Andre like dat how to have stock sleeper look? haha :)
Nvm lah, i got my eye lid spoilers on my car... now my car looks sleepy alrite...wahahaha... i need to get some more cosmetic parts b4 i respray my car ;)
got to see your car with eyelids man...c nice or not :) I've wanted to get those done as well........
nice angel eyes..haha...andre: i'm tempted with the wing mirrors too man..haha...
Hullo ferrariGTR, the ///M3 pedals still available?? email me please
FerrariGTR.. thankz for the response. U going for the meetup Mar 27? perhaps can trade there.

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