Anyone recalled this accident?

Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

collin;223474 said:
Please please. I am asking who is the one that says 160Kmph. ??? If so, how did he or she define? Please enlighten me. Thanks

i guess some ppl just imagine too much. or the newspaper needed the high speed to make the story more dramatic? no way anyone can tell whether is it 120 or 160
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

hitmee;223486 said:
i guess some ppl just imagine too much. or the newspaper needed the high speed to make the story more dramatic? no way anyone can tell whether is it 120 or 160

well at whatever speed, over taking from the oncoming traffic lane, impact with oncoming traffic will be....sigh...disastrous..:(
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

Actually I have been observing a trend on the roads lately. And that is cars like the Vios, City, Rio, etc ... driven by youngsters ... driving like very gung-ho. I am drivng a E30 and very often I have Vios, City and Rio tailgating me even though I am not on the fastest lane. I guess they want to show off their rides or something.

I do not have much sympathy for this Vios driver. Travelling at more than 100km/h of that road is insane ... in a Vios is even more insame. Whether it is a pre-arranged race or be it as a result of one driver pissing the other ... it is one less dangerous driver on the road.
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

collin;223474 said:
Please please. I am asking who is the one that says 160Kmph. ??? If so, how did he or she define? Please enlighten me. Thanks

Maybe it's an assumption that both vehicle were travelling at 80kph, hence the impact is the sum = 160 kph. I consulted with Phil on that u noe.
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

phil only got one eye....cant judge distance or speed....
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

Poor Phil, then he can't admire the curvature of a women.... can't be any worst... tsk..tsk..tsk...
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

far too often do we overestimate our ability. it's only when things happen that we regret.. don't wait till it's too late... better late than never...
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

hitmee;223473 said:
i dun think is 160kmh too. vios max 120kmh and to the driver may be feel like 200kmh liao. too light.
agree.. their 120km/hr like a BMW in 200km/hr.
anyway the VIOS is meant for point A - B car , why risk it.
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

iScoupe;223994 said:
agree.. their 120km/hr like a BMW in 200km/hr.
anyway the VIOS is meant for point A - B car , why risk it.

No wonder I kena chietz by VIOS left right and center.. I do 100 kph, they need only to go faster than 60 kph to overtake me..... sighz.
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

iScoupe;223994 said:
agree.. their 120km/hr like a BMW in 200km/hr.
anyway the VIOS is meant for point A - B car , why risk it.

haha no offence yah..i know where you're coming from with tt sometimes guilty of it myself too..
but lotsa young impressionable drivers ard(myself included) and 120kph or 200kph is still 120kph or 200kph whatever car you're in. A head-on collision sends one straight up (or down), no 2 ways bout it..

so safe driving pple..
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

Jin Teck bluff u one.. Cherry QQ already can tailgate me... so embarrassing....I resident road hogger.
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

jawzsg;224023 said:
Jin Teck bluff u one.. Cherry QQ already can tailgate me... so embarrassing....I resident road hogger.
just encounter a QQ Cherry with blow valve.. turbocharged ! piss piss..
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

iScoupe;224083 said:
just encounter a QQ Cherry with blow valve.. turbocharged ! piss piss..

What the f*..? QQ with a piss piss? Wonder if it can keep up with the Copen?
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

with balls of steel.. and loads of traffic, anyone also can keep up.. used to have to give way to crowns and cedrics and avoid near misses.. now even more variants to give way to and be wary of... :p

we don't have the luxury of roads like the autobahn here.. so best alternative, go to a closed circuit where we don't risk endangering others... and assume responsibility for all dangers....

these are truly sobering reminders that as technology progresses, we're still flesh and blood, and vulnerable. safe driving everyone!
Re: Anyone recalled this accident?

nYteMarE;224102 said:
with balls of steel.. and loads of traffic, anyone also can keep up.. used to have to give way to crowns and cedrics and avoid near misses.. now even more variants to give way to and be wary of... :p

we don't have the luxury of roads like the autobahn here.. so best alternative, go to a closed circuit where we don't risk endangering others... and assume responsibility for all dangers....

these are truly sobering reminders that as technology progresses, we're still flesh and blood, and vulnerable. safe driving everyone!

Agree, agree... Thge amount of money spent on modding the QQ can probably buy a... Kia Rio - which I have sat in one before, was doing 190kmh on the NS highway (under safe situation).

True! Safe driving or riding is very important! Be defensive... is the only cure.

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