Appeal To The Traffic Police

Mav said:
For all we know, the lower fatality rate (ie. diff of 10+) may be due to newer cars with better safety features instead of TP's action.

However, TP had convienently ignored other factors like this and claimed FULL CREDIT... All these secret policing and only reduce 10+ cases.... Not a lot to thump chest over huh? How come never mention the hundreds of thousand dollars extra fine collected?


P.S. For traffic accident investigations, I guess the "most logical" explanation will be "SPEEDING" instead of "dangerous driving", "road hogging", "failure to keep to lane", "irresponsible pedestrains" etc.....

Well....guess we'll never know....if TP PR dept wants to treat the public like be it. We can't do anything can we.

Like I said...we all the extra enforcement that they have done and they only reduce 9 cases only....that would means that the old way of patrol by bikes, BMWs, Volvo and Vespa are ineffective. Maybe they should consider retrenching the patrol staff so that they can put more cams on the road to further reduce the fatality rate.

While it is agreed that speeding kills....I still strongly believe its the NUT holding the steering wheel is the No.1 killer....undisputed.
-X- said:
i recall commenting to my fren that the shit will be hitting the wall soon, as soon as i saw that report.... maybe i'm too harsh but i just got that feeling at that time.

Was driving home yesterday when a Boxster pulled into the lane next to me. Looked over and what do I see? A lanyard and a ID card hanging from his rearview mirror that read....wait for it.....TRAFFIC POLICE!!!!
Any more questions on why they need to work overtime booking people for speeding? ;)

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