bbq meet-up.

Re: bbq meet-up.

we need to thank the chef also..... Melvin, discom and kelvin.... thanks!!! foods good!
Re: bbq meet-up.

saifywaify said:
the nicest chap there tonight. the kind i'd wanna intro to my parents.


Erm, no thanks man! haha

Anyway thanks for organising the bbq and to emile for his house!

Sorry can't join you all for cs but will try to make it another time.(someone has to teach me how to play)
Re: bbq meet-up.

saifywaify said:
kelvin (f1),

i'll teach you.. you should only learn from the best.

Yes F1, saify will teach you the best way to get shot by jaskin. Basically keep running the same route and getting shot at the same spot. Jaskin can even tell me:" Eh, wait here wait here, saify will come thru here any second..." and true enough....hahahahahaahah
Re: bbq meet-up.

Nuke said:
Yes F1, saify will teach you the best way to get shot by jaskin. Basically keep running the same route and getting shot at the same spot. Jaskin can even tell me:" Eh, wait here wait here, saify will come thru here any second..." and true enough....hahahahahaahah

talk cock. that was mock, not me. knn.
Re: bbq meet-up.

saifywaify said:
talk cock. that was mock, not me. knn.

hahaha you dun say AWP alwayss rushing for the high ground. I'm just there waiting. You and subzero always go same route.
Re: bbq meet-up.

Wah... Really loved the BBQ gathering last night, ladies & gentlemen!! :yummie:
Weather was great, atmosphere was fantastic, the ppl were even more fabulous!!

Looking @ the photo, I look like a zebra! Hahaha...

Many thanks to Emile, especially for allowing the use of his house for this special event!
Also, to Mr Saify.. hahaha.. My apologies when I guessed your age too old.. Hahaha.. :oops:

Oh.. How can I forget, our dear Mistraele & BMW F1? :) Thanks for helping to start the fire & the cooking, dudes! :)

Hope the food we cooked, were edible and to everyone's delight! Haven't done BBQ for quite a while already. :oops:

Really enjoyed the whole BBQ; meeting new friends.. We should have this again some day! :lol2:
Went for the CS session; had a better game this time lah.. But still kena frag like crazy from the better guys (WTF, Emile, Saify, "dot" aka Alvin, Mistraele etc).. *Sigh*.. next Thursday session, here I come! :nehnehhh:

Enjoyed chatting with Yiwen (WTF), Mock & his friend (Now I know why women are such lovers for LV bags!), Discom (Fast V79R, dude!!), Saify (Looking forward to your new toy, bro!).. So sorry if I can't remember the rest of your names.. Still quite 'shy'.. Hee..

Last but not least, many thanks for Sharon (HungryM3) for being such a nice girl; helping to serve the BBQ food and also for giving us a ride back to Carmichael Road to fetch our cars. :)

*PS*: To Serene: Thanks to you and Michelle (Babe), for helping us not to waste the food! :yummie: :)
Re: bbq meet-up.

Saify, thanks for the time & effort to organise tis BBQ session and to Emile for your nice gesture to make tis event possible.:thumbsup:

Michelle, u can bring the left over food to Dubai ... it shd last u for the next 3 weeks:D
Re: bbq meet-up.


Tks for oprganising man...and Emile....for the place...great place

and not forgetting my good buddy Discom...awesome ride u have man....really makes my ride feel like picanto ;p

Tks for the taxi.....great stuff
Re: bbq meet-up.

Wonderful BBQ... My gf and I had a great time ... plus the food was excellent...
Re: bbq meet-up.

You guys know how to have fun :)

I had a great time getting to know some of you better...finally can put a face to some of the nicks. Was afraid that I will not be able to mix well with you guys, but I guess that our passion for our cars are able to break any barriers...not to mention the passion for CS :D

You guys are truly a fun bunch :thumbsup:
Re: bbq meet-up.

saifywaify said:
talk cock. that was mock, not me. knn.


are you going to teach me the best method to get shot? haha.
when is the next session?
Re: bbq meet-up.

discom said:
You guys know how to have fun :)

I had a great time getting to know some of you better...finally can put a face to some of the nicks. Was afraid that I will not be able to mix well with you guys, but I guess that our passion for our cars are able to break any barriers...not to mention the passion for CS :D

You guys are truly a fun bunch :thumbsup:

haha... of course!!... fun night... good company, great food, superb pc game... hehehe..
Re: bbq meet-up.

Yes, thanks to HungryM3 for the ride back to CM Rd. Must say you drive better than 90% of men in SG...
Re: bbq meet-up.

SubZero said:
Yes, thanks to HungryM3 for the ride back to CM Rd. Must say you drive better than 90% of men in SG...

Subzero: you are more than welcome for the ride back :D see ya at CS and the meet ups more

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