Re: bbq meet-up.
Wah... Really loved the BBQ gathering last night, ladies & gentlemen!!
Weather was great, atmosphere was fantastic, the ppl were even more fabulous!!
Looking @ the photo, I look like a zebra! Hahaha...
Many thanks to Emile, especially for allowing the use of his house for this special event!
Also, to Mr Saify.. hahaha.. My apologies when I guessed your age too old.. Hahaha..
Oh.. How can I forget, our dear Mistraele & BMW F1?
Thanks for helping to start the fire & the cooking, dudes!
Hope the food we cooked, were edible and to everyone's delight! Haven't done BBQ for quite a while already.
Really enjoyed the whole BBQ; meeting new friends.. We should have this again some day!
Went for the CS session; had a better game this time lah.. But still kena frag like crazy from the better guys (WTF, Emile, Saify, "dot" aka Alvin, Mistraele etc).. *Sigh*.. next Thursday session, here I come! :nehnehhh:
Enjoyed chatting with Yiwen (WTF), Mock & his friend (Now I know why women are such lovers for LV bags!), Discom (Fast V79R, dude!!), Saify (Looking forward to your new toy, bro!).. So sorry if I can't remember the rest of your names.. Still quite 'shy'.. Hee..
Last but not least, many thanks for Sharon (HungryM3) for being such a nice girl; helping to serve the BBQ food and also for giving us a ride back to Carmichael Road to fetch our cars.
*PS*: To Serene: Thanks to you and Michelle (Babe), for helping us not to waste the food!