
'To avoid difficulty in future claims, we regret that we will not be inviting further insurance cover for your coming renewal.'

means.... to avoid difficulty to NTUC. F@#kers!

'But I didn't claim against my own insurance.'

This, apparently, does not matter to Income, which is the insurer for the other driver too.

means.. if they lose money... you will lose no matter what you do...F@#kers!

People who act 'unreasonably' when settling a claim. An example of this would be insisting on repairing at workshops which Income says inflate claims;

means .... as long as the workshop did not use dirt cheap, near non-functional parts and hence cost anything more than what they can dispeakably bargain for, its called inflated claims... F@#kers!

People suspected of colluding with workshops to inflate claims or to stage accidents

means ..... they're the only one who can cheat you by using cheap parts to replace your damaged parts but when other workshop quote a reasonable price beyond what they feel comfortable, means the other workshop is cheating them and that is forbidden.... F@#kers!

People who harass Income's service staff

means ... whatever shit they serve you, you must not protest and must swallow it wholeheartedly....F@#kers!

The insurer does not need to do business with them, according to Mr Tan.

means... if they think they cant swindle your hardearned money they will look for another sucker....What a bunch of Dishonourable F@#kers!

And I dont understand why there are still people who wants to give them money..... incomprehensible!!!

Topaz Blue NOT a F_____
Ha ha - you are an excellent translator.
I hope we see the forum flooded with angry complaints.
Mine will be one of them.
Whether it gets printed is of course a completely separate issue.
Re: Article on NTUC INCOME behaving badly

mingboy said:,4386,274278,00.html?
Would this help my case?
Ha ha
Hi mingboy,

I'm also on NTUC (for now) & I'm sure everyone who read your case and the article is fumming... :furious: :furious:

Despite the media attention, it seems little had changed.. I boggle at the additional steps required to be taken by the claimant and even more so, the "penalising" of the victicm by refusing her renewal. I double-quoted the word "penalising" because now, she's off to a better insurer.

Arsony said:
......F@#kers!......F@#kers!......F@#kers!......F@#kers!......F@#kers!......Dishonourable F@#kers!......

Topaz Blue NOT a F_____

What a lesson on the French lingo! I am enlightened.

But seriously, can CASE help?
Ah.. Finally a long awaited updated.

Here's the short version
1. Changed my claim from third party to against my own policy (since it seemed inevitable that I was going to lose my NCD anyway)
2. Screamed at Income for two weeks, with constant harrassment of staff from telephone personnel to claims department.
3. Got offered an "alternative" of sending to their authorised workshop. Fcked them and gave them a HUGe piece of my mind
4. After fckkng, was informed that a surveyor would be at PML to verify the assessment by PML.
5. Claim approved next working day.


But i suspect my premiums will be sky high next year... Do I give a damn? not really... Think I'll have the car insured under my fren's name... What do you think?

Hey bro.....glad to hear that things are finally looking up for you. Maybe another alternative for you next year wuld be to change insurance company. :thumbsup:
mingboy, glad to hear that things finally worked out, sort of.... have fun driving, and call one of those insurance brokers who'll call all the insurance agencies for you to get the best quote.
Thanks all for the postings....

anyway, I don't think I will be able to get a service car... The Bodywork guys I spoke to has informed me that he will have to check with boss before he can confirm any comfort car is avail but it doesn't sound like it's gonna happen...

Oh well... I definitely won't be taking any comfort cabs then.


Why should they cut ur NCB?!
you're obviously not at fault wat! Go and complain! Fight to the end bro! that's wat i did. T ese bastards deserve no extra premiums!

Topaz Blue NOT a bastard...
Arsony... I did fight to the end but what options do I have after their independant third party surveyor rules 20.80 against me?

Seriously what options would you consider?

Well I guess you're right in this instance as employing a lawyer would only cost more money and you may Still lose

Topaz Blue NOT a lawyer...
Arsony said:

Well I guess you're right in this instance as employing a lawyer would only cost more money and you may Still lose

Topaz Blue NOT a lawyer...

Ha ha ha... yeah... it was a balanced decision.. I couldn't stand driving around with the dimple for very much longer....:)

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