Beware of A###b##s


Active Member
Just changed my tyres at a big shop near bukit batok nature park and they recommended that I get my wheel aligned as well. Its at a discount as I had purchased new tyres. So I tot, ok, do it.

WORSE MISTAKE I EVER MADE. Totally regret doing so.

Saw a thread in this forum that some of you are worried about your car's alignment and the cost associated with doing a wheel alignment, well, DONT EVER GO TO (this place that i cannot name as it is against the forum rules, PM me if you cant guess that place. Haha, in my unedited post initially, i put the shop name then my fren pointed out that its against the rules, moderators, sorry k! but do pm me if its ok to post the shop name, i believe everyone here deserves to be warned of this place) to get anything remotely mechanical done. Here is my story.

PML's "digital" wheel alignment costs about $300plus.... Its expensive.... When AxxxBxxS offered me to do it for $120 and assured me that their system is digital and laser guided as well, I thought, that a good deal.

After AxxxBxxS did their so called "digital laser guided, with report printed out" wheel alignment for me, my car's alignment was worse than ever. To drive straight, my steering wheel has to be tilted left at an angle.

I went back on the very day to ask them to ractify the problem. But it turned out they made it even worse. I went back the next day, for the third time, to get them to ractify the problem again. I spent 4 hours there, while they took my car for "test drives" where I can see and hear them trashing my car at high revs the moment they leave the gate. Moreover, the way they took out the tyres to "check" the wheels' balance was heart wrenching. (Imagine, see two guys kick your tyres off the car, and the rims hitting your brake assembly with a 'kunk! before falling to the ground!)

After 4 hours, they still could not get my alignment right and worse thing is that they have used up an eighth of my petrol on their "test drives" and my car now has funny noises when i release my foot brake to move off. And when i am stopping, the brakes give off funny flapping noises too. Now I have to spend even more money to get my wheel aligned and fix the brake noise.

Total Damage:
Additional wheel alignment at somewhere more reputable,
Cost to fix my brakes,
Cost of petrol,
Heart ache of seeing and hearing my car abused,
7 hours of my time in total over two days,
Paying money to have wheel alignment, but ending up wasting my precious time and with wheels even more misaligned and more problems than before--- PRICELESS!

Moral of the Story:
NEVER GO TO AxxxBxxS TO FIX YOUR CAR or you will be in a worse FIX than ever:furious: !!!!!
Re: Beware of A###b##s

thank you thank you, whoever that changed the topic title for me.... i have been frantically looking for the list of moderators to pm to ask them to change for me the title.... then ryan also not online..... i cant seem to edit the thread title and then i edit post, cant edit title..... panic sia....

Anyways, moderators, sorry again for that.... really genuine mistake.... sorry sorry..... and whoever that changed that thread title.... a big thank you (mabbe can pm me who you are, then at least next meet up i go to can thank you personally)..... maybe can consider having a list of moderators posted on the readme screen..... cant seem to find the list for the past five minutes.

Thank you again.... sorry again also.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Yeah I know what you mean, poor thing.

Couple of things to remember:

1 Alignments don't run out very fast. My was done at PML over 7 years ago and it is still within the spces. For FWD cars - it NEVER runs out. Only time it runs out is a very very bad hit.

2 BMWs are Toed IN. Those guys - like every one else, trying to stupid is setting to "0' (if you r lucky) or toe OUT.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Yeah, when it comes to sentitive things like wheel alignment, always bring it to somewhere where you know they've done it before and have a reputation of doing good jobs.

I remember I went there to get some silicon wipper blades and I asked them do they have the model specific to my car, and they said yes. To cut the story short, after 1 hour and scratches on my wiper arm and windscreen, they said sorry but it doesn't fit. So much for product knowlege.

With a BMW, you can only go there buy stuff but not install anything.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Kam sia kam sia. If I were you I will sent a platoon of hia-dee to burn their shop :D

never reveal the names..correct...BTW dide you say #UTO#AC# ?? :p
Re: Beware of A###b##s

For tyres and alignment, I always make sure I go to specialists and not generalists. Even among specialists, there are some good and some not -so-good ones.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Amusing...I recall those days when I did my home wheel alignment using a fishing line! Never missed a beat; I bet those brats at the shop never understood the effects of camber, toe and caster on the steering...juz three geometry!
Re: Beware of A###b##s

i can PM you my garage who does a very good wheel alignment. i guarantee you he can settle it for you. PAGING SHAAZ.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Hi Elmariachi

i just did mine at the garage you mentioned. Great job and cheap.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Shaaz responding !!!...
hahaha.. yea.. actually a couple of us use this guy as he's pretty good at what he does, "ah-kun".... me,omar,eric,eugene and few more others use him. Omar, i dun have the address to him but if you could do the honours.. :)
Re: Beware of A###b##s

i did my computerised alignment at RIC***DO at sim ming, also face problems...steering wheel slanted on a straight rd.
a mth later,
i failed my STA Insp on steering. STA engineers mention need to set toe in.

went back to RIC***DO , they use manual wrench to turn, then went back, pass inspection.

Re: Beware of A###b##s

hetraa said:
i did my computerised alignment at RIC***DO at sim ming, also face problems...steering wheel slanted on a straight rd.
a mth later,
i failed my STA Insp on steering. STA engineers mention need to set toe in.

went back to RIC***DO , they use manual wrench to turn, then went back, pass inspection.


Whoa there!!! the word "wrench" jus made me heart pain again.... during my 4 hour ordeal, i saw them using pipes and wrench to twist, wack and torture my poor car.... and i can definitely say they are not gentle.... Worse this is, they did everything with no regard for protecting my interior or bodywork or paint job. Car seat now a bit sunken below my steering wheel as they clam down on it very very hard to lock the steering in place.... and that happened not once, but 5 times!!! Rims also took a scratch when they clipped the "laser" device to my rims.

All i can say is that it is HEART WRENCHING.

PS. AHBENGDRIVER, next meetup (provided its not raining), i have to shake your hand and get you a drink.... hahahaha you made my day and my whole office cracked up when we all read your post! :nehnehhh:
Re: Beware of A###b##s

SFG267 said:
PS. AHBENGDRIVER, next meetup (provided its not raining), i have to shake your hand and get you a drink.... hahahaha you made my day and my whole office cracked up when we all read your post! :nehnehhh:

I perfectly understand your feeling. NONG-NONG-AGO, I owned a Toyota Corona donkey years ago. Once I sent it to a workshop at sin ming road for servicing and it came back with swirl marks machiam like a ice skating ring. Somemore radiator continued to leak...TL. Went back there with some hia dee and had a 'man-to-man' talk with the workshop boss.:furious:

Arh... its OK., dont mention. My Hia-Dees are all available at my, and your, disposal. When I blow a whistle, they will fall-in with parangs, chicken blood and kerosene bombs. But in case u think I had tattoes all over my body, u are wrong. If u see a senior citizen with a walking stick driving a E90 mata-chia....thats me. I had to disguise bcos I got a lot of car workshop enemies :)
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Gombat said:
Yeah I know what you mean, poor thing.

Couple of things to remember:

1 Alignments don't run out very fast. My was done at PML over 7 years ago and it is still within the spces. For FWD cars - it NEVER runs out. Only time it runs out is a very very bad hit.

2 BMWs are Toed IN. Those guys - like every one else, trying to stupid is setting to "0' (if you r lucky) or toe OUT.

Could you expound further why alignment on FWD cars never run out?
Re: Beware of A###b##s

elmariachi said:
i can PM you my garage who does a very good wheel alignment. i guarantee you he can settle it for you.

CK Motor
AMK Autopoint
AMK Industrial Park 2
1st floor

Apologies. I know by visual ref where he is. Jus drive in and look for him. Not diff. Cheers.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

GTV6 said:
Could you expound further why alignment on FWD cars never run out?

OK for FWD cars the drive shaft is part of the steering system, so it gives an added strength to the steering joints.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Also don't forget ahh most of your cars have "upgraded" rims and tyres.............. so the specs also change know..........
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Wheel alignment is not required whenever you change tyres. The only thing required instead is called the Tyre Balancing.

So, next time you change your tyre, make sure you get the right thing. Usually for new cars, you don't need wheel alignment unless u had hard hit on the road kerb.
Re: Beware of A###b##s

Nuke said:
CK Motor
AMK Autopoint
AMK Industrial Park 2
1st floor

Apologies. I know by visual ref where he is. Jus drive in and look for him. Not diff. Cheers.

hi, do u have their contact number??


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