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BMW 320ia For Sale


July 2003 BMW 320iA (post-Facelift)

Capacity – 2171cc
Colour – Sapphire Black (475) w Beige Interior
Mileage – approx. 60000km
Comes with 3 Digit number plate / SFA xxx x
Integrated Dayton GPS satellite navigation system

Selling: 86k Neg.

Reason for selling: Overseas posting for a year.

Car in excellent condition. Regularly serviced. Bodyworks in good condition with regular polishing and waxing done.

External Mods

• Original AC Schnitzer front bumper (pre-Facelift – with silver painted lower grilles and rectangular fog lights with white fog lamps). The only post-FL BMW 3er in Singapore combined with a pre-FL front bumper (Very unique – other post-FL 3ers are fitted mostly with the standard post-FL M-Aero kit)

• 18-inch replica Hamann PM2 chrome deep-dish rims

• CCFL Angel Eyes (driver-side ballast replaced in July 2006. Outstanding one free passenger-side ballast replacement by BVO)

• Full set clear light covers (front, side, rear)

• Replica M-style trunk lip spoiler (bought from Taiwan)

• Low beam: Philips Diamond Vision 5000K white-bluish bulbs

•High beam: Japanese brand 3000K super white bulbs

• Replica AC Schnitzer sport break and accelerator foot pedals

Performance Mods

• UUC Engine Pulleys

• Simota Carbon-fibre “Aero Form” Air Intake

• OWS Uber Power Double Iridium Spark Plugs

• Axxis performance front break pads

• New original rear break pads

Audio and Electronics

• Alpine amplifier and sub-woofer system

• Original stock BMW “Business” audio console

• Integrated Dayton GPS satellite navigation system


• Maintained by Spa For Cars (last full treatment July 2006 – 3-coat wax & gloss, paint restoration, interior/leather care, rims conditioning)

Interested parties pls sms me at 81761848. Thanks
Re: BMW 320ia For Sale

Hi here,
Nice car! how about providing us with info such as OMV, COE, nos of owners? It will be great if you can throw in the picture of your ride.

Thanks in advance:yummie:

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