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BMW 728IA Scrapping/Exporting


Hi all,

Anyone got any idea what the price for a reg Mid 2001
BMW 728IA body now, full specs version.

Thanks in advance.
Re: BMW 728IA Scrapping/Exporting

mid 01 will be w/o GPS but new facelift..right? only after 9/01 it comes w GPS, anyway i scrapped mine 3 mths ago and the body price was abt 10-12k, dont forget the paper loss...btw r u looking for one or ru selling urs?
Re: BMW 728IA Scrapping/Exporting

Somehow the 7 series has a poor body value. I dunno why. Even a 740iL is only worth $15k. And a fren juz scrapped a 2000 S60 2.0 for $8.8k and another scrapped a 2000 320i for $10k. Quite unbelievable the diff in luxury and closeness in price.
Re: BMW 728IA Scrapping/Exporting

Was quoted only 9k for the body compare to 3 months back at ard 13k.
Don't think so can get a buyer for this car, guess have no much choice...

Re: BMW 728IA Scrapping/Exporting

your best bet is to trade-in for a new car. hard to sell but u may be suprised bc there may b someone keen on it. why dont u place an ad, even exporters will call, if u settle ur own loan then they will offer a higher body price. there was actually one dealer who answered my ad and offered me 14k for the body but the catch was that we wont settle my loan, i think he thought i was a dealer...btw what r u looking to get next...cheers
Re: BMW 728IA Scrapping/Exporting

HI KC900, diablo_728 n all 728iA e38 owners there, I need your kind advice.. i owned a 320 a couple of years back before bundles of joys came and i had to switch to an estima aeras.. now i am itching to get back into a beemer and I have been checking out this 04/2001 728iA. Given its good size and steady depreciation ( since its over 5 years), I guess its a good bargain till the new 7 comes out in 2008. I need your frank advice on the following:

1. The car has been regularly serviced by PML. Should I thus take it that it should be in good condition?
2. What are the biggest wears n tears i should look out for?
3. Is there going to be a mega repair/replacement bill waiting for me when the car gets older?
4. I noticed the boot does not pop up fully upon release like the Merc.. Can i get somebody to put a spring in it or is PML able to make it like the boot of the current 7?
5. Any other advice would be most appreciated...

Many thanks n i look forward to hearing from you guys..
Re: BMW 728IA Scrapping/Exporting

Hi Gabrielim

I have a September 2001 E38 728i with GPS and 72,000 km on the clock. No problems thus far except for a broken glovebox latch and rear quarter window blind (both parts just over S$100 each and easily replaced).

It's a very straightfoward car, easy to maintain and relatively inexpensive to run. One point to note that later cars have 18 inch alloys running 235/50 for which the choice of tires is limited. I am still running Michelin Pilot Sport as PS2 was not available last time I changed tires.