Clocking to 130k mileage and wonder should I change the above ? Some said need to change after 100k or it just like what pml always say " lifetime " again ??? Really not idea and hope some one can enlighten me on this .. Thx in advance !
The filter is together with the fuel pump and mount on the tank. Under the rear left passenger seat. I change at 160K because the connector crack and leak petrol. Think if nothing wrong then no need to change.
If 1 drive a lot to Malaysia, it is good to change it every 50k km. On the other hand, it is a good practise to change both filter & pump around 100k km or 5 yrs. My previous E39 fuel pump uplorry around 110k km at slightly close to 6 yrs mark.
When it leak, you can smell the strong petrol fume in the car because the it is under the seat. The filter is mount together with the pump. So need to change together.
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