i believe you somehow know about the survey that i am now conducting. i really hope i can liase with you regarding this matter. i need to complete 50 surveys from bimmer owners in singapore. i've been cracking my head to get to the club and its members.
this survey is actually from a famous car company i the world, but i have no idea which car company. and Colmar Brunton (a market research firm with branches in Australia, NZ and few other place in the world) is conducting this survey on behalf of this car company.
i believe this car company is about to introduce a new model with more improvements. and that's the reason why they wanted to get response before they launch the product into the market. anyway, that's my guess!
my office based in kuala lumpur and i'll come down to singapore during your next meet up with your club members. hopefully i can get 50 completed surveys from bimmer driver.
you can contact me at [email protected] or 03-2167 6666 for more details of the survey.
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