Male / Quantity: x01 shirt unless otherwise indicated
1. Bobbytay27
2. JLMC (take 4pcs)
3. Azrielsc
4. kenntona
5. Collin
6. Renyu (42cm)
7. j8833t
8. hamz
9. Herman
10. Rapturem3
11. Clown
12. Rastaman
13. C3P0
14. Hugo39 (49cm)
15. MockngBrd (er... )
17. Bimmer71
18. ecoquest (42cm)
19. ecoquest's friend (42cm)
20. phil
21. starfox9475 (Patrick) cfm by JLMC
22. MBboy cfm by JLMC
23. nasty204 , (45 cm)
24. Crazy_
25. platinum88 - large size
26. HellboyII - M SIZE
27. Velocitired
28. BeachBum (50.5 cm)
29. Dougurasu(46 cm)
30. edlms (really really big)
31. ACS6 (medium) X 2pcs
32. Spydee
33. wysiwyg (49cm)
34. jovibon (M Size)
35. OYG (50cm)
36. Tribeca / M
37. jvhuiz (49cm)
38. 6888
39. terry
40. chris58 (1 pc / 15.5 or M size)
41. benji ben (M - will let you know the figure soon)
Female / Quantity: x 01 shirt unless otherwise indicated
1. fiercepink (size will let you know later or you can use "agar-ation"
2. Hugo39(39cm))
3. ACS6 (small)
4. wysiwyg (39cm)
5. Azrielsc's wifey (small)
6. C3P0's sister (medium?)
7. 6888
8. benji ben (XS - will let you know the figure soon)