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Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!


Well-Known Member
Some idiot stole my e46 bonnet bmw emblem / badge.

Anyone got a used one in their store, i am keen.

Blue / white emblem is preferred.

text me at 98204176 for immediate transation.
Re: Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!

next time put some silicon behind the badge so it is more difficult for them to take out.
Re: Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!

Try Ebay.com
Re: Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!

I had the same experience just 2 months back.... in broad daylight!

I got my replacement from BVO... got it for about $30. Replacement done by them in less than 3mins. :)
Re: Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!

can try eng soon, sin guan hin or pml
Re: Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!

Does BVO have the CF types? I ordered CF ones from eBay for about 11 pounds each slightly more. Btw I thought the emblems are held down by locating pins? Are they that easy to steal?

ecoquest;268636 said:
I had the same experience just 2 months back.... in broad daylight!

I got my replacement from BVO... got it for about $30. Replacement done by them in less than 3mins. :)
Re: Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!

The entire emblem assembly is difficult to steal, but the thieves stole just the part where it's glued onto the emblem assembly. So in a sense, what they did was not that bad since it didn't really damage the rest of the car.

It's just an eyesore to see the missing emblem... kind of like having a huge red pimple right on your nose!
Re: Bonnet BMW emblem wanted!!


got one set for front & rear. pay as you wish.

H/P: 91390386


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